Re: urgent update-skin regrowth-soaked off- used shea butter which burned my lips
morningdove,I am sorry to hear that again, infact, on my next appointment I was going to tell the derm your testimony and I was going to ask him to prescribe something like PREDISONE to fight the cortisol, but I think I wait for now, because it is a kind of dicouraging news, I thought that this would be the soultion, because I know mine started after severe anxiety and stress but no derm has offered me something to swallow but only creams with out any success and it is almost 20 yeas now since I have it, but anyway, regarding shea butter and olive oil:
a little more than two weeks somebody through the internet sent me the so called UNREFINED SHEABUTTER and I used it for a week and as you said it started burnig the lips even the unaffected areas and at the end of the week the dead skin much of it became a kind of white dryed skin and when I peeled it thte new skin became more red and then I stop using it, instead I sometimes use a little vasline but I think normal unsalted butter that which is sold in super market better, so give it a try, but dont use olive oil because I tried it for a week and the the result was far more burnig than the shea, but anyway, you got to be strong and dont loose heart in all these.
I hope to hear some positive progress.