Blog Description My blog of experience following the news that D3 deficiency causes Diabetes Mellititus. I have a history of mental illness in the family too, and I have had bone cancer and an amputation.
Symptoms are chronic Insomnias/sleeping difficulties (with a 12-day stay in the looney bin for heavy medication 2 months after starting insulin), low thyroid (hypothyroid), difficulty with memory and consistency (following a project through), low-dose antidepressant dependancy (1/4th standard dosages), amputation of left hand below the elbow thanks to giant cell sarcoma in the bone at a growth plate (age 17) (very rare), multiple silver fillings (amalgams), sluggishness in digestion. All amalgams have been removed, modalities of treatment are garden herbs (weeds), coconut oil, electromedicine (colloidal silver and rife), nutritional supplements (full spectrum except amino acids), and christian prayer/meditation. Diet is always feeling/digesting best on fruit+veg, sometimes lightly cooked w/coconut oil. Kombucha has proved to be the easiest ferment so far. Coconut oil props up metabolisim well enough that I've had to cut down some on eltroxin/synthetic thyroid. Modalities tried and dropped: boric acid/borax water, epsom salts (magnesium chloride/magnesium oil preferred!, epsom salts gave thrush), high dose lugol's (SSKi preferred transdermally, mental detox put me suicidal), nutrient microdosing (however, mueller_ranges.tripod.com is good for study material). Current spook being hunted down: Mycoplasma and viruses due to fatty acid deficiency. Insulin production requires fatty acids as well as all up and down the endocrine (hormone system), seretonin and melatonin being one of them (sleep and depressions). See on youtube about mycoplasma and diabetes: Dr. Lonnie Hermann mycoplasma and diabetes (do a search) See about how the body works electrically: Dr Jerry Tennant Healing is Voltage (do a search) |
My blog of experience following the news that D3 deficiency radically increases the risk of Diabetes Mellititus. I have a history of mental illness in the family too, and I have had cancer - all before I was 21.… more... Last Activity: 3 y ago 30 Messages Last message 8 y ago 5 Comments Last comment 3 y ago viewed 393,163 times Created: 14 y Jan 03 2011 |
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