Currently working (effective treatment)
List of current treatments that are effective. Winter season has increased inflammation levels, appropriate nutrients listed.
Date: 1/2/2017 2:47:35 AM ( 8 y ) ... viewed 851 times Have been able to signifigatly lower the amount of insulin I've needed with:
Essential oils, primarily frankincense, myrrh, pine (turpentine), citron melissa and clove/cinnamon (start transdermally, mix in order of 1rst with the most drops, last with the least, use roller application on heel of foot if neccessary).
Supreme fulvic (humate and fulvic acid mix) 1/3 tsp / day
RAW thyroid (glandular mix to replace eltroxin/tyroid supplement) 1-3 caps/day
ALA (Alpha liopic acid) 10-50mg/day
intermittent Vitamin E 200-400mg, less if no noticable result after dosing
1-3 drops ionic selenium in water with 2 drops zetox (glucouronic acid from )
1/2 cps nature's fury herbal concentrate mix (also from naturehacker)
Zinc supplement (mine is with the conutrients, zinc, selenium, B1, vitamin C, B6 ).
Intermittent life extention microminerals supplement, 'Only trace minerals'.
Vegan/raw diet is effective, but led to candidiasis after introducing turpentine therapy (stick to 3-8 drops pine needle essential oil in water!). Turpentine therapy led to major constipation, repopulation of digestive tract is needed.
Major dental cavitation has show up/been agrravated after turpentine treatment, microbes very happy about the heavy-metal rich environment. Teabags at the cheek are very effective in lowering inflammation/pulling out pus.
Iodine therapy increases inflammation/detox symptoms very heavily, supplement trace minerals and high selenium to push out post-amalgam junk like mercury, cadmium, inorganic copper. Intermittent iodine on feet is ideal.
High vitamin C is very pleasant, but best combined with herbal capsules (nature's fury), ALA and ionic mineral drops (also naturehacker product).
High sodium intake does not increase feeling of well-being, potassium and magnesium with appropriate calcium ascorbate or calcium citrate (lemonjuice-soaked eggshell powder) does the job.
Also appropriate calcium found in recipie- 1/2 tsp dolomite powder + 1/3 tsp citric acid crystals + 1/4 tsp allspice or 1/8 tsp clove powder mixed vigorously in water. Allspice or clove powder is to reduce biofilm/bacterial consumption of calcium and magnesium minerals.
High protien, grass-fed animal fats (dairy and cheeses), high folate foods (greens, cruciferous veg), small portions of starchy veg, lowish fruit intake (except sourish berries!) is ideal right now.
Staying grain-free as much as possible, high nuts and cheese intake is problematic.
Heavy metal poisoning, stress and systematic infections (in this case strep/staph) is suspected at the root, parasitic worms also possible.
Favorite herx-distress-stopping mix: 1-3 tblsp activated charcoal powder mixed with diatomaceousearth, 1 tsp, followed after 30 minutes with 1 glass water with zetox drops and selenium drops. (300 mg/drop)
B-complex supplement effectivity varies according to body's needs, often see white tongue on the day after, can act as a biofilm-matrix feeder.
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