Thanks for the response Zoe. I have never done a parasite cleanse before and honestly never really considered it for some reason. The hand clenching has been something that I have done since I was a child...but the jaw clenching only happens during the latter part of the master cleanse. What in my lifestyle do you think would contribute to a parasite load? I live by the beach but since it's cold, I haven't been in the ocean in a couple of years...though I am at the beach often. As for my diet, I haven't eaten red meat / pork in 19 years...though I do love fish! I've read a little bit about parasites on curezone, but haven't really dug deep into the subject. Do you recommend any particular parasite cleanse? Should I be noticing any other symptoms? I still have another 7 days on the MC. Let me know what your thoughts are. Thanks again.