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Help! I've read this is dangerous for longer than 3-4 days. .
slice22 Views: 1,341
Published: 22 y

Help! I've read this is dangerous for longer than 3-4 days. .

Hi, I finishing day four of the master cleanse. I am doing the salt water flushes and senna tea along with 9-10 glasses of the lemonade per day. I mentioned to my mother today about the diet and she did some research on it and became quit concerned. Many of the sources she read said that liquid diets or fasting are quite dangerous for more than 3 to 4 days, your body starts to use it's muscle for energy, etc. I understand that the nutrients we need are in the grade B maple syrup but is that enough?

Also does anyone know of any objective research/web sites that address this issue? Any replys would be very helpful. I'm not planning on breaking the fast yet, but I may shorten it for health reasons (although I don't want to because I do want this to be very beneficial) Also how beneficial is it if I do shorten it to say 5 or 6 days?

Thank you for any help on this matter



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