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bad breath cure for me
nosesmelly Views: 7,121
Published: 20 y

bad breath cure for me

everyone please read.... i recently had someone recommend --aerobic oxygen-- its at your local health food store. call ahead of time and ask if they carry it. or on the web you can order it, theres many brands, its all the same i guess. neway i've had bad breath so bad when i enter a room you can smell me before i open my mouth. i smelled but i knew it was coming from my throat and nose and stuff, so i thought it was my lungs, the therabreath never really worked long term i've tried sytem cleaning sun chlorella whatever i read that worked didnt work for me, see all the scientist are saying it was from the mouth but i really believed that it was coming internally well wrooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnngggg. when i put the drops of aerobic oxygen in a little water to gargle man it was like ten times the power of therabreath, therabreath have been cheating us with lots of water and little stabilized oxygen, my mouth feel like a clean pool. this is what i did:

dilute 10 drops of aerobic oxygen and 1 oz water
dip your floss in it and floss
then dip your tounge scraper in it and scrape many times redip each time
then in a seperate glass dilute 10 drops and 2 0z or 1 0z and gargles as long as you possibly can till you cant breath
~~~~if you have bad breath in your nose too like me~~~
make saline half cup warm water some salt and several drop of the aerobic oxygen
and saline your nose throughout the day

please try this it changed my life
i am not a marketer aerobic oxygen comes in many brand names so pick one and experience the life changes, read my past post i was and the end of life and now i live again i payed like 12.00 bucks at the store but it might be cheaper on the web i didnt want to wait for shipping i was desperate..


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