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Re: I got hit by a car. On day 5.
nico2 Views: 1,450
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 249,770

Re: I got hit by a car. On day 5.

Hi there

I just woke up, I the pain in my pelvis has diminished a bit, but the one in my foot has increased... the big toe is a bit swollen and there is some purple on it. I can still walk, but I have to be slow and careful.
The amazing thing is, the wounds on my hand and elbow are healing so fast!!! They were a few millimeters deep, but now I can see some new pink skin forming on the sides, and it's like the bottom has risen a bit. They were definitely wider than that yesterday! I'm sure this has to do with the MC.
I'll rest as much as I can and I'm sure I'll have recovered completely in a few days.

Thanks a lot for your advice and comments!


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