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Number of lemons
danolie Views: 903
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 225,379

Number of lemons

I'm on day 3 and have lost track of how many lemons... LOL

Count on 1 lemon = 2 drinks (or 4 TBSP)

So if you are doing 10 drinks a day (picked 10 for easy math, I've been doing about 8 or 9 as a 215 lb male and it's kept me from being too hungry)...

then that's about 5 lemons a day...

das a lot o lemons!

**Speaking of lemons, the 1st day I was just cutting them in half and literally squeezing the juice out w/no gadget/juicer...I then tried one of those little juice things that you plug into the lemon then squeeze, and finally found a real easy $3 juicer/strainer with a cup that the juice drains into... way easier than the other 2 options I had tried :-)

I'm on day 3 and have lost track of how many lemons... LOL

Count on 1 lemon = 2 drinks (or 4 TBSP)

So if you are doing 10 drinks a day (picked 10 for easy math, I've been doing about 8 or 9 as a 215 lb male and it's kept me from being too hungry)...

then that's about 5 lemons a day...

das a lot o lemons!

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