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bright orange, bright yellow and bright green stool indicates strong probability of some good bacteria missing

Hulda Clark Cleanses
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White Shark Views: 164,071
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bright orange, bright yellow and bright green stool indicates strong probability of some good bacteria missing

Bile released from gallbladder can be bright green or sometimes orange, bright yellow.

Healthy bile usually have bright green color, but there are many reasons why it sometimes my have slightly different color, as one important job of our liver is to break down old blood cells, and pigment from those cells can affect color of bile, and may also affect the color of your feces.

When you have an injury on your body, broken bone, injured tissues, the area may contain a lot of blood, and as time goes, the color of that area may change from red to blue to green.

All that "color", all that pigment will one day end up in your liver, and will be converted into bile, and dead blood cells usually have blue - green or green color, and that is the same green pigment that colors your bile.

Beware, food you eat can very much affect the color of your stool, so take any statement written i this message wit more than just a grain of salt.

There is no one "normal" color of stool, as color can be affected by food.
As food mixed with bile moves through the digestive tract, it turns from green to sometimes yellow or yellow-orange and in the end to brown.

Bile + good bacteria is what gives stool its final brown color.

Bacteria is the one that has the power to create chemical reaction that will convert yellow pigment into the brown pigment.

There are several common and benign reasons for passing orange stools. Supplements and medications that can cause orange-colored stools include those containing beta-carotene (sometimes found in vitamin A) and aluminum hydroxide (which can be found in antacids).

Foods that can cause orange stool include:

Any food with artificial yellow or orange coloring
Carrot juice
Red Beet juice
Any Red colored juice like red raspberries
Collard greens
Fresh thyme
Sweet potatoes
Turnip greens
Winter squash

The liver constantly secretes bile into gallbladder & when we eat, and when the food is passing through our duodenum, bile is secreted from the common bile duct, together with pancreatic enzymes, then into small intestine.

As bile makes its way through the intestines, it progressively changes color from green to yellow or yellow/orange to brown, due to the action of bacteria in the large intestine on the bile salts and bile pigments.

Yellow/orange stool may indicate that food has passed through the intestines faster than normal or that good bacteria is missing in your colon.

Green stool may indicate that food has passed through the intestines faster than normal (called decreased bowel transit time), before it could be changed from green to brown. Or that good bacteria is missing.

It is the work of good bacteria that converts original bile pigments (bile salts) into brown or yellow-brown.

Unless you have diarrhea, yellow color of stool may indicate that your colon have lost some good bacteria, that is why your stool has unusual color.

There are at least 1000 different microorganisms that are suppose to live inside our digestive tract.

Loosing just 10% or 20% of those may significantly affect the color, shape or consistency of our feces.

How do people loose 10% or 20% of microorganisms inside their intestines ?

The most common way is by taking oral Antibiotics , or some other oral medications or chemicals, or even by consuming poor diet, or even food poisoning can have the same effect.

How to get back microorganisms, once they are lost, and are not coming back on their own ?

here is one possible way:

One of the common disinformation on the web and on many forum messages is that bright yellow stool always means not enough bile.

That is WRONG!

It may mean that, but there are also many other reasons for having bright yellow stool !

Bright yellow is the natural color of bile, half way on it's way through intestines.
If a stool is bright yellow, there could sometimes be more then enough bile.

Actually, large amount of bile can speed the bowel transit time, and can indirectly affect stool color, cause shorter bowel transit time can mean not enough time for bile to turn brown, not enough time for good bowel bacteria to do their job.

For feces to become yellow-brown or brown, COLON NEEDS GOOD BACTERIA IN GOOD PROPORTIONS!

That means that most of those 1000 species of microorganisms that live inside healthy digestive tract need to be there, starting from your lips and your mouth, all the way down to our stomach, small intestine and your colon.

What are the signs of low bile flow or not enough bile inside your intestines?

Pale grey or sometimes pale yellow/grey.

If there is a greater reduction in bile output, stool lose almost all of its color, becoming pale grey or simply it looks more like the color of vomit, much less the color of normal brown feces.

When we vomit, what comes out usually have the same color as what we have eaten. Colors can of course get mixed in our stomach, and our gastric juices cam affect colors of some foods, but color of vomited food is usually very similar to the color of the food we have eaten.

We may as well sometimes vomit bile, but I am here talking about vomiting food that was just stored for a short time inside of our stomach.

If you feces have the same color as the food your consumed, it is a very strong sign that your bile flow is extremely low, or is non-existent :-)

Bright yellow stool usually means enough bile, but not enough bacteria.
Beware, food you eat can very much affect the color of your stool, so take any statement written i this message wit more than just a grain of salt.

Color of stool also depends on what you eat.

Dark meat usually gives darker brown color.
Dark brown bread (whole grain) can give darker stool color in comparison to the people consuming white bread.

Chocolate can give darker stool color.

Beware, food you eat can very much affect the color of your stool, so take any statement written in this message with more than just a grain of salt!

Everything is relative to what you eat, and how much you eat!

White Shark

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