I've had horrible chronic hives/swelling for over a year. Just recently started getting eczema everywhere. I've done 5 gallstone flushes. I've been on a colon cleanser called Herbal Fiberblend (psylium and herbs) for over a month and I'm seeing my meals pass undigested. I'm also taking garlic, caprylic acid, grapefruit seed extract,
Bentonite clay, and lots of water every day. And I'm chewing my food more thoroughly.
I did a 10 day fast but still got the hives and swelling thorought the fast, just not as bad.
So here's what it seems I should try next. Take HCL and digestive enzymes (which ones?). After the colon cleanser take probiotics (which ones?). Do the
parasite cleanser. Do a candida treatment.
The hard part of course will be following through. Any other ideas out there?