Have you tried cleansing? Also grapefruit seed extract is very powerful and it is an antifungal. You say you've tried probotics but have you tried taking probotics and antifungals at the same time? And changing your diet, eliminating breads, sugar and red meat? Stay on your diet in the meantime, I read somewhere that juicing veggies like red cabbage and drinking it also works for odors too after doing it for a while, but you want to get to the root of the problem. What about digestive enzymes.? It could be that your acid levels or that your PH balance is low. I want to say you should get tested for TMAU but people with TMAU don't seem to have these problems because it could have started out as one thing and then turned in to something else. When looking up info for you on the internet. I saw this post. This was written in 2004 about grapefruit seed extract mouthwash, if this can help the breath imagine what it could do internally. You may have to use more than one thing to combat your problem, but you may want to look into this: Also sometimes certain vitamin deficiencies can also cause you to smell and have problems, do some research about magnesium or other vitamins deficiencies and the problems that come when the body lacks certain vitamins, anyway here is the post:
Hi and welcome to curezone! and dont be embarrassed i have lived with bad breath for 15 years, anyway last month I ordered a grapefruit extract mouthwash and it worked great!!!! my mouth feels sooo clean and no white coating on my tongue, and also no bad breath!!!!! I have been excited and posted it on this board, I just ordered 4 bottles today, I am addcited to this stuff an dits only $4.95 and a bottle should last about a month! try it and you will see a change I dont have a sour or fecal smell anymore, i dont know how this stuff works but it does!!
I even feel my teeth cleaner, this grapefruit seed extract is wonderful, I have suffered alot too with bad breath and have tried a million products but this one is the only one that has helped, here is the link to the website
I even bought a 2oz bottle of grapefruit seed extract for about $^ and it last sooo long since its so concentrated, I have been using it vaginally, it works wonders, also for athletes foot my husbad also uses it I am soo addicted to this Please try it order oen bottle for $4.95 I am sure it shoudl help you out. Good luck
here is teh order link just click on it and scroll down, by the way I was referred to this product by someone else that it helped, I dont work for them as you can see I have posted messages here for a while, just wanted to make that clear Take care
It's a good thing your odor is not fecal. But your relative should go to the doctor if he has had this smell for over a year because it could be a digestive or intestinal issue. And if he smokes the smoking can very much contribute to it because of the toxins fromthe smoke. Mold can cause problems in the body but I'm not sure about body odors. I wouldn't continue with the peroxide because although they say you can use it internally it may do some damage to your insides. I will use my blender until I get a juicer because I can make it watery, you may want to include some digestive enzymes as well. I know you are taking probotics but are you keeping them in the fridge? With probotics that's something you may want tocontinue because it helps your digestive flora. I have included a couple of links you may be interested in. Did you guys ever get rid of the mold?