Well done on going past day 3! I'm a pretty avid water faster but when your circumstances don't allow for a
Water Fast then yep juices are sure a great detox and weightloss tool. Many more people can handle it better, and thats probably whats going on with you. Juice fasting is still effective but detox and weightloss dont occur as rapidly as with a
Water Fast thats why its probably taking longer. I've done a juice fast before and detox was much easier than on water and weightloss was still rapid.
We can't really be fully clean as there are pollutants in the air we breathe to mention the least.In my opinion if you are motivated to stay on fast your'e lucky and I think this is a small window of opportunity to really just let you body heal itself with no supplements. If you must then sure use the supplement right after your fast but a least let your body heal itself.
Also I really dont know much about supplements but I do know they can be contaminated and that most are manufactured in China and are cheap just produced for profit so quality is not always top priority. At least know that your supplements are good quality and usually nothing beats good old food for essential nutrients.
Goodluck with your fast!