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The Magical Approach: Seth Speaks About the Art of Creative Living (A Seth Book)
by Jane Roberts [edit]

The Magical Approach: Seth Speaks About the Art of Creative Living (A Seth Book)
********** 10 Stars!
Price: US$ 10.36, Available worldwide on
Check Availability from: Canada or from United Kingdom
ISBN: 1878424092


This book is very powerful due to its simplicity, November 17, 2000
Reviewer: tommylong (see more about me) from Cincinnati, OH USA
I have read all of the previous Seth books and found a sharp contrast with this one. Previous books talk alot about the mechanics involved in idea construction, which is very interesting but aren't things we need to think about on a daily basis. This book really brings out the most important aspects of the Seth Material. The idea that we don't have to worry about all these underlying mechanisms and cause and effect. It is simply being open to the magic in the world and having the attitude to expect the best. It really takes all the previous books and says, "Here is how everything I've told you actually applies to daily life!" Great book! It's funny... I read this book about once a month and everytime I read it I ALWAYS find that particular passages jump out at me differently than the time before.

A "How To" book on being the magician of your own life, November 27, 1999
Reviewer: Carl Anderson ( from Boston, Ma
As Jane states in an opening poem "What magicians we all are, turning darkness into light, transforming invisible atoms into the dazzling theater of the world...." A book of wonder, short but sweet and to the point. A critical work on creativity and how our industrial world attempts to enslave in the clock of 9 to 5. This book will help all overcome the dissonance between our overly rational work-a-day and dreaming selves. By opening to The Magical Approach you can grab the wheel of life and head out to the open road of creative living.

Jane Roberts


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