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Re: Very Scary Stuff! by MrCooties ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   5/30/2004 12:18:48 AM ( 21 y ago)
Hits:   16,842

Hi letitrain

Congrats on the results. Do you think the long strings are long rhizoid stems or something different? I passed some of the little snot balls with rhizoid roots attached to them - I think this might be what others refer to as cotton balls - this was during Liver Flushing though, not bowel cleansing.

It's good to hear of your success. I am doing an ACV flush soon, so it's good to know what works.

How far in do you get the ACV? To the transcending colon, or even the ascending colon? Also how long do you hold it in?


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