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Re: The Beauty of Darwinism! by livingforj ..... Evolution & Creationism Debate

Date:   9/8/2004 11:04:36 PM ( 21 y ago)
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How can anyone explain genetic DNA code?

This is the most complicated thing I can think of. It is sincerly a code. It is a double spiral, very long(in most cases), code of builiding blocks that are all left handed.

It is scienctificially impossible for something so extremely complex, even if a "try" was attempted to form one out of it's basic building blocks and was given a billion years. If one tries to form just 1 strain of DNA every second, it still would not be mathamatically possible for any living creature to exsist. The scientific and mathatical probablity of even one strain of DNA coming into existance is, as quoted by mathamaticians, impossible.

When looking at this "proof" as you wish to call it, I cannot come with any better answer than God who lives outside of space and time, Who knows the beginning from the end and loves us so much that He sent His Son Jesus Christ to come to the earth and save man from eternal suffering.

God did set the world in motion, God does watch over everything He created, and God does love you.


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