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first cleanse by chuck ..... Ask Agnes & Bob # 1 [Archive]

Date:   2/28/2002 10:12:14 AM ( 23 y ago)
Hits:   805

I did my first cleanse and it went good. It was pretty nasty drinking the olive oil but it is better than surgery! I went for a untrasound the next day and they could not see ant stones and said my Gallbladder with work in normally. I still have some feeling in the area. I don't know if that is after effect or that there still may be some stuff in there. I'm going to do the ultimate cleanse and then do the gallbladder cleanse once more.

Thanks for this site and all your research that must have gone into it. If it were not for this site I'd probably have no gallbladder sonner or later.


Any suggestions I'll gladly take!

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