their legs by #263144 ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist
Date: 12/11/2024 12:39:59 AM ( 60 d ago)
Hits: 52
so many people with hurting legs and often hands- loss of circulation.......and amazingly many wealthy people suffer from this.
Circulation is KING
Lost of flexibility affects the entire body--- people want to believe that their insides still appear 'NICE" EVEN though the outsides looks OLD and worn out..... The skin the largest organ, is an example of the "insides".
No dr, no drug, there is "nothing" that is a quick "fix" for a lifetime of dirty water, dirty foods filled with rock and chemicals and most all of those types today LOVE the idea they can get a new hip or knee in just a few hrs and home the same day (what insanity)
Heavy metal teeth and dirty water, chemical water, chemical food--gets them all, eventually..
METALS and ROCK not only clogs the entire body and attracts billion of lyme's worms, endless bacteria/viruses to feast on the cells that lack oxygen.///
The lucky thing is--people that throw everything away in their kitchen they called "food" and start over with clean food, clean water and follow the Dr. Hulda Clark dental clean up---go drug free, never take a vitamin "pill" ever, never buy "commercial" pills. There were drs by 1920 that explained how to have a new body in as little as 10 months---some said 12 months and there were those that would say 7 years----
The simple solution is to not spend 50 years self-destroying the body. The cheapest solution possible......
Dr. Hulda Clark was 100% correct about dental work------and she was was to reject every person that contacted her seeking help, to not waste her time on them if they had lead in their teeth or mercury and bridges and virtually all toxic dental work insures the victim has no immunity and with no immunity--nothing can self-correct. As long has metals are inside or even touching the body---the immunity will spend 24/7 seeking to dissolve and eliminate the metals as the rest of the body suffers from lack of help.
WHY their LEGS? The rock/chemicals settle down in the legs until people call their problems---TRASH LEG.
People have to help them selves.
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