Re: Just an update from me on my lyme disease by longterm ..... Peeling Lips Exfoliative Cheilitis
Date: 3/15/2017 12:53:03 PM ( 8 y ago)
Hits: 4,252
I think it was me who had lyme disease bacteria show up as negative in standard test, then slightly positive in lyme speciality lab test. But even with that, the speciality lab didn't note me as having lyme disease. It was my infectitious disease doctor who noticed the changes in that test from negative to positive which made him conclude that I have lyme disease. I didn't go back to him for treatment because I wasn't sure if I really had lyme disease and I didn't want to go on Antibiotics and IV treatment for years. From what I read, lyme bacteria can come out of hiding from your tissues into bloodstream after you take strong medication like I took before I retested for lyme.
How many days did it take for your lips to completely heal after taking these herbal supplements? Also, did you have any side effects like diarrhea, etc?
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