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Advice on Gluten Free diet by rurichek ..... Body Odor Forum

Date:   6/29/2015 5:12:26 PM ( 10 y ago)
Hits:   2,443

Okay, so after doing some research and reading success stories, I decided to try a gluten free diet.

My odor is fecal by the way.

Here is what I plan to have in my diet:
1. Oatmeal with water and maybe milk too
2. vegetables: carrots, cauliflower, broccoli.
3. fruits and berries
4. chicken
5. fish
6. rice
7. buckwheat

As for the supplements I will introduce l-glutamine later in the process. Also, might introduce coconut oil and grape seed extract as an anti-fungal (just incase I have candida or some shit like that), and probiotics.

What do you think about the plan?


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