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Re: really bad day :'( by #116323 ..... Body Odor Forum

Date:   5/15/2012 6:44:02 PM ( 13 y ago)
Hits:   2,121

I understand how you feel believe me I work and some people are terrible towards me making me feel like a thing when I'm a human being. I can see how this bo can make you think suicidal but that is what the devil wants he wants our souls so if we committ suicide we let him win. Just remember Jesus was crucified for no good reason he never committed a crime and people mocked him made fun of him and he still died on the cross for us. If Jesus could go through something so horrible we can handle this bo. Tell your parents exactly how you are feeling I'm sure if they knew you were feeling suicidal they would try their best to help you. Show them this forum. Maybe you could be homeschooled for the rest of the year summertime is almost here so school should be over soon for you. Please don't even think about killing yourself you are too precious in Jesus's eyes and have something to offer this world.Also think about the horrible emotional pain you would cause your family and friends. I have thought like you before but will never do it bc I don't want the devil to win and I would never want to see my family and bf in that kind of emotional pain. Also exchange phone numbers with people on here it really helps to have someone to talk to who can relate to your emotional pain when you are having a bad day. I had kinda a bad day I do housekeeping for a job and a therapist asked if I could clean their bathroom again bc it smelled like urine and that's the kind of bo that I have so I knew it was probably bc of me that their bathroom smelled I was so embarassed but I still keep my head up and remind myself that I am a clean person and this is not my fault. Feel free to send me messages if you need someone to talk to. Take care and please don't do nothing bad you are very imprtant and God made you and you are perfect in his eyes you have a purpose in this world:)

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