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the email in question from Dr Loren Cordain re: wheatgrass & acne... by ccollins32 ..... Acne Forum

Date:   10/3/2007 2:45:13 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   6,565

read bottom up for the full correspondence...would love to hear back from people about their thoughts, alternative suggestions, similar experiences, etc! best, chad ---------------------------------------------------- yes, i believe those would be a much better choice. many people drink wheat grass juice, feel sick, and think it is the “detox” that is causing that, but it may in fact be the lectins. best regards, wiley long, m.s. nutrition business director paleo diet enterprises, llc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from: chad sent: friday, july 20, 2007 3:46 pm to: wiley long subject: re: dietary cure for acne - wheatgrass juices, flax seeds, psyllium ok??? this is great wiley, and a big help! i’ll certainly cut back on wheatgrass juice powders, as i usually consume about 3 tablespoons of premium supplements per day! hopefully, the algaes (spirulina, chlorella) are ok to consume though. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from: wiley long sent: thursday, july 19, 2007 9:58 pm to: chad collins subject: re: dietary cure for acne - wheatgrass juices, flax seeds, psyllium ok??? hi chad, this was dr. cordain’s reply. we may run this question in a future newsletter as well. hi, the blades of wheat grass contain wga, an antinutrient that may potentially have adverse health effects. fresh fruits and vegetables would be better choices for their nutrient content and net alkalizing effects. flaxseeds certainly can be included in a paleo diet and represent a good source of alpha linolenic acid (18:3n3), however remember that virtually all of the beneficial health effects of omega 3 fatty acids come from the long chan versions (epa or 20:5n3, dha or 22:6n3 ) of these fatty acids. the conversion of 18:3n3 to 20:5n3 and 22:6n3 is extremely inefficient in the liver & less than 2-4% of 18:3n3 is converted to the more healthful longer n-3 fatty acids. thus, fish or fish oil is important to include in your diet. psyllium powder is a good supplement to help bowel regularity and lower blood cholesterol concentrations. however try to use it every second or third day or as needed because it's high fiber content can increase bile acid elimination which also depletes the body's vitamin d pool. it also binds most divalent minerals (iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium etc) and should therefore be consumed separate from meals. cordially, loren cordain, ph.d. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from: chad sent: wednesday, july 18, 2007 12:56 pm to: subject: re: dietary cure for acne - wheatgrass juices, flax seeds, psyllium ok??? hi doctor my girlfriend and i have started your diet and are thrilled after a nightmarish 6-month immersion in vegetarianism that only exacerbated my acne symptoms. however, there were a few items i was introduced to in this time – namely organic, high-end kamut and barley grass powdered juice blends – that i supplement with regularly for their nutrition content, enzymes and alkalizing properties. since they are grasses, however, does this make them no-no’s in accordance to your plan? i’m very confused… also, in your books and guide, you make no mention whatsoever about flax seeds, which are incredibly high in omega 3’s. i eat a few tablespoons of organic, cold-pressed milled flaxseeds every day for this benefit and their fiber, but are these to be lumped in with all the other nuts and seeds that are high in omega 6’s? i’m not sure why you didn’t discuss them even though you praise the omega 3 content of flaxseed oils… lastly, since i’ve had to cut out most of the fiber drinks i take b/c they are from cereal grains and fibers, could you propose a good alternative??? not to be graphic, but hulled psyllium and bentonite drinks really help my bowels move, and when i don’t take such a drink every day, my bowels are sluggish and can get slightly irregular despite doing 6 months worth of colonics, cleanses, etc. i wish i could afford to have a private consultation with you regarding these issues, but financially i am unable to do so at this time, so i’m hoping for a response or an answer to appear in your next newsletter, as i’m sure these common questions have been asked more than once! best to you and many thanks! chad

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