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Re: Sheldon? Update on Diet + Vitamine E
momfer Views: 44,108
Published: 17 y
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Re: Sheldon? Update on Diet + Vitamine E

Thank you as well Sheldon for your interesting information.

The thing about that the stomach empties everything only after the meat is digested was new for me and I will try that.
You meant by saying: "eat the meat second" like say 30 minutes later or so?

Anyway I had less gas today/night as I ate very very smal portions together, like 1 little tiny piece of broccoli a quarter of a beet and 1 potato.
1 Hour later a little of my homebrew yoghurt with little brown rice.
Say 2 hours later I ate the left over of the grilled chicken ( I will not do the grilled chicken for tomorrow because of the high heat as you suggested)
1 hour later little piece of coliflower and 1 carrot, cooked like everything else but this time I chew more, it very important to chew good as I had pieces of indigested carrot in my stool before. I noticied that I did not chew very well.

It is all about the balance of soluble and insoluble fiber.
At first it is very difficult to find the balance for yourself and you can go wrong as sometimes the next day you would expect it to be a bit better which sometimes happens but also sometimes not while you used the same way as the day before but if you then change it a bit, like in which order you eat or changing the amount/portions, how many times you eat during the day you get slowly better results.
Important to know is that it is difficult keep believing in what you are doing because the are many sitbacks during finding your way but don't give up I tell myself.

I am actually amazed that I can play around with it and seeing changes, sometimes not so good and sometimes better.

Don't listen to your negative inside I keep telling myself. ;-)

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