Re: Testimonial - 16 months later
My goodness gracious...what a testimony! Open up a cabin door and get out of the
way because here I come! :-)
#54319...Do you know if you're the first person that has health issues that has
actually gone to MH's cabins and been close for him to work with you?
I've tried to post to MH and haven't had any luck. He either ignores my posts or
his answer is so short I don't get any advice.
And what about your orange juice fast? Did you juice your own oranges? How many?
How much juice? How often?
And would you say that the LBB and the Orange Juice were the 2 main things that
brought you back to good health?
I know your post was long...but very encouraging. I'll be printing that one off to
go in my scrap book.
I hope you can answer my questions above...and soon!!! :-) Thanks, kathryn