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Re: All twisted up O/T, though portions may be relevant (re: weight)
summerhaunt Views: 233,725
Published: 18 y
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Re: All twisted up O/T, though portions may be relevant (re: weight)

My son, age 14, was just diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, and ADD-NOS (ADD inattention-like issues, but not ADD). Alex also has mild Tourette Syndrome (so mild that unless you know him really well you wouldn't notice his tics). He's difficult, too, in trying to get to do what you want because his tunnel-visioned world view. I do plan on getting him to try oil pulling this fall. He's definitely a challenge because he does get a low self-image, although he's brilliant. Being able to share his interests in his favorite interests have helped boost his confidence (winning Science fair, awards in art contest, etc.). He loves electricity and electronics (his main fixation), so has been using it to WOW other kids and teachers. Still struggles with socialization. Though we do get a laugh out of his pi fixation. I'm trying to get him interested in phi now (the Golden Ratio). Alex does seem tired all the time, too. I did have a sleep study done on him, because lots of kids with ADD or Tourette issues do have sleep disorders, but he tested fine. I'm hoping the oil pulling, and maybe iodine, will help with that. I definitely WILL post on him if we see improvements with Asperger, Tourette, or behaviors (he's very impulsive and gets obnoxious when he's bored or the topic isn't one he has an interest in, and is lazy w/school work).

Here's an interesting thing you might want to discuss with your husband. I was talking with my co-worker this morning, who is now trying the oil pulling, and mentioned the Iodine supplementation I plan to try. She mentioned she had thyroid problems before. She had drastic tiredness issues (had to lay down after walking 20-30 feet). Her doctor had done a thyroid test, which turned out normal. But the doc decided to test a little differently. There's actually two parts to the thyroid, and when he tested individually, on part of her thyroid was overactive. The other part was underactive. With the original test, the overactive and underactive cancelled each other out on the results, making things appear normal. Her thyroid was fighting itself. Maybe that's why so many of us have normal test results when things really aren't normal. He had her on a pill for a little while, then her problems cleared up. She can't remember anymore what the med was, but I'm wondering if it wan't similar to the Iodine supplemenation.

By the way, she's still amazed at how the oil pulling is helping her broken tooth and the sinus above it. It's definitely pulling out the infection.


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