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All twisted up O/T, though portions may be relevant (re: weight)

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summerhaunt Views: 233,628
Published: 18 y
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All twisted up O/T, though portions may be relevant (re: weight)

Y'all might get a laugh out of this. I had to cut myself out of my dress this morning. It was one of those whispy dresses with two layers. When I went to put it on, the layer underneath got all twisted up. Hubby had left for work about 3 minutes earlier, so I couldn't ask his help. It was so twisted it was cutting into my ribs and was hard to breathe. I fought for 10 minutes to get it untwisted and didn't think I could get it back over my head again, so I dug out the scissors ... fortunately it wasn't one of my favorite dresses.

However, (this may be the relevant part) I did notice the new dress wasn't as tight at the arms or across the breast as usual. It seems a little looser at the hips, too. I'm about 30 lbs. over where I need to be. It made me think about the Epsom Salt bath I took last night with the oil pulling, because I did notice when I put yesterday's dress back on afterward that those sleeves were much looser. While I definitely noticed they were a bit snug when I'd put it on that morning, and those sleeves don't usually stretch.

I've monitored my weight since oil pulling, just curious to see if it'd help. Weight hasn't gone down, but it also hasn't gone up. I used to get drastic swing in weight throughout the week because of water retention. I've made a point to not "consciously" change my diet or activity any, to see if the oil pulling might have any affect. I eat what's there, which isn't necessarily the best choice, or I eat what appeals. Only thing I have added is the Omega fish oils. The flab does seem less flabby (firmer), though it's still there. And I have noticed a definite decrease in appetite. Nothing sounds good, except the occasional avacado, or eggs. I can't blame it on the heat, because I've mostly been in the A/C. I'm definitely going to keep an eye on this. If I continue to notice benefits regarding weight or size, I may start a thread specific to it, to make the info easier for folks to find. But note, I'll be supplementing soon with iodine/iodide, Ester C, Sea Salt water, and selenium, as per the Iodine forum, so that may affect weight, too.

Question: Would it be OK for me to copy the portions of threads I have relevant to the Iodine forum and post there, or vice a versa?

I'm also going to continue trying oil pulling with the Epsom Salt baths, and working on getting muscle knots to release with the Swedish massage points too, because the two times I've done so I've had fantastic results. I think I'm getting a bigger detox without overloading my body.

I'm also going to start a thread specific to sleep, since that's my main health concern right now. Last night I had much less of the barometric pressure pain, even though some friends I know who suffer from it were in great pain last night. Not sure if that was from the Epsom Salt bath, the oil pulling, the fish oil, or a combo. The sleep was calmer too. One restroom break, but it wasn't necessary. I just went because I didn't want major urgency when I first got up in the morning. Still tired, but it seems improved (I feel like what maybe a normal person might feel at about midnight). I've got years' worth of accumulated sleep deprivations, so even if the outright cause were cured, it may take me time to know if I'm better because I'm going to have to recover from the debt.

Note: I'm thinking about starting a forum specific to barometric pressure pain. Maybe someone out there has tips that will help.


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