Re: Itchy scalp and losing hair! Sharing observations and looking for tips.
Hey jonwatanabe,
I am in the same boat you are. sad to say that when your hairs begin to fall out from the
Psoriasis there is not much you can do. I ended up shaving my head because of this. Too bad, I had one hell of a head full of hair.
I have been trying to use anything I can to get my scalp to heal with out much luck. I have found by keeping it moist with creams the flakes do stop. Now I have a spot thats look like soft red skin. This is better than flakes and white scabes on the head. As far as the sun, I do feel since I has shaved my head that the sun does help. When I had hair it was hard for the ray's to get to my scalp.
I have found some new cream I use at the supermarket, Forgot the name, It sounds like psoriscreme. I have never seen it before, since I always look for new stuff. This is a coal tare based cream( some people will tell you not to use tar) but it is really working good for me, keeps the flakes way down and makes the skin smooth instead of bumpy with the scales.
Hope this helps, Sad to say your just one of use with the same problem we all have.