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Dr. Javier Morales/More about my problems....
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Dr. Javier Morales/More about my problems....

I posted earlier that I would NOT recommend that people go to Javier Morales for their dental work.

While I was having my work done down there I actually decided to have the work checked by several other dentists, since I had a lot of time waiting for the lab to send the crowns.

The other dentists told me that there was NO WAY that he left enough tooth structure for the crowns he put in to stay on.

I told him that I had seen some other dentists to check his work, and he was definitely offended by this. I had taken the risk by working with him,which eventually hurt me. The other dentists were right. The crowns did not stay on.

When Morales put the crowns on, the bite was TERRIBLE. It was way too high, and Morales took very little time to adjust it. On one crown he sanded through the porcelain in order to try to adjust the bite.Later the porcelain chipped off severely at this area on the crown.

My biggest problem was that some of the teeth later had to be pulled that he worked on. Other good teeth had to be sacrificed so that bridge work could cover the area of missing teeth. Did Morales offer to compensate me for this? ABSOLUTELY NOT !!!!!

To my knowledge Morales does not refund money for his errors. If he has ever done this, I would like to hear about it.

I am trying to let people know that Morales follow up practies with his patients leave a lot to be desired. Also..... appointment times are frequently NOT honored. I spoke to many patients when I was there that had to wait all day or come back the next day when their appointments were scheduled early in the morning etc. etc.

I made numerous cals to Morales office when I was having work fall apart. It took him MONTHS to get back to me. It really is true that once you go back over the border, you are on your own.

I feel it is my responsibility to let people know about the crappy work they do down there. Each day you can see the enormous vehicle that Morales drives parked in front of his office, and the American patients waiting in is office apparently foolish enough to trust that they are getting competent work.



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