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Re: Very different sort of article from today's issue local newspaper
polaris700 Views: 4,128
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 851,153

Re: Very different sort of article from today's issue local newspaper

I could not agree more with this letter. We have a right to protect ourselves and others who may be in harms way. These poor souls never had a chance agianst this man when he came into thier lives to kill.
I own many guns, some for hunting and sport shooting, and a few for self protection. I do have a loaded gun in my bedroom and do carry time to time. It is my right to do so.
If anyone in these classrooms had a concealed weapon things may have came out different. I cant say it would have for sure, yet if I was there I would have no problem pulling out a weapon to defend myself or my fellow students and teachers.

I feel law enforcement never gives the general public enough praise for what we do some times when a law abiding citizen does put a stop to a crime that they may see happening. Just becuase I dont get paid to protect like they do, does not mean I wont.
VT is a wake up call yelling no one is safe in these times anywhere.


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