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Theory on seborrheic dermatits/eczema
antonio87 Views: 24,438
Published: 18 y

Theory on seborrheic dermatits/eczema

My theory on seborrheic dermatits(BTW i am no doc so likely to be incorrect)

If Malassezia, which doctors believe is the yeast that causes seb derm on the skin, occurs naturally on many animals and humans, why do only relatively few people have Seborrheic Dermatitis ? In my opinion, there are two reasons: an overgrowth of yeast(namely malassezia) in the gut, and genetics. The next question we come across is: why would an overgrowth of yeast in the gut cause a inflammatory reaction on the skin? Well, the answer to that is that inflammation is a reaction of the immune system. It works like this: When there is a yeast overgrowth in the gut(intestines, leading to leaky gut) then the immune system tries to seek out and destroy the yeast to reduce its numbers. When this happens, the immune system sends out antibodies and killer t cells(don't know correct terminology of the immune system) to seek out other areas of the body and attack the SAME yeast that is infecting the gut. So it finds Malassezia, which is found naturally on the skin especially in the seborrheic rich areas and causing no problems, but the immune system attacks it anyway. How does the immune system attack the yeast? Through inflammation. Bingo - burning, sensitive skin, erythema and flaking.

That would explain why anti-dandruff shampoos,anti fungals topical , seem to have a positive effect on Seborrheic Dermatitis when applied topically to the skin. It reduces the malassezia, which calms the immune system down in that area of the body.

I have read that oral antifungals like diflucan has been taken 5omg a day for 2 weeks with 85per cent reported condition cured.Don't know if condition returned after treatmant finished, expect it would have as treatmant not long enough.

So if you had a treatment plan of diflucan, probiotics, healthy diet, glutamine(heal gut)it could be an efficient method of curing Seborrheic Dermatitis .

Your thoughts please, even if negative




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