My son is cured of UC, thanks to you, your procedure, and diet!
Hello Sheldon. I just wanted to leave a quick post with wonderful news. My son is doing wonderfully thanks to you, your procedure, and diet! I consider him cured! Through trial and error, we've determined that he has a wheat allergy. He is able to eat everything else without a problem (though I am still hesitant to let him have popcorn). He had his six month follow-up with his GI doc, and she said that he has beaten the odds! She couldn't be more thrilled with his current state of health. He's gained 8 1/2 lbs and grown 2
inches in the last 6 months. Besides his inability to tolerate wheat products of any kind, he's a happy, healthy, normal kid! I was wondering, though, if you still take probiotics every day. I stopped giving them to my son at the end of December, and the only noticeable difference is that he said he has a little more gas than normal. Any input you have on this would be greatly appreciated! Thank you again for everything! God bless,