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Re: Has anyone tried the Dermae treatments? YES-BAD BAD BAD
mishy Views: 2,174
Published: 18 y
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Re: Has anyone tried the Dermae treatments? YES-BAD BAD BAD

I used their "NATURAL" Psorzema cream that I got from Whole Foods. I just trusted like a fool that this product would be natural and good; I saw that it had Neem and Burdock and bark ect... so I did not check on the UNPRONOUNCEABLES. In the past 6 months I used it five times and the fifth I realized that my five bouts of HORRIBLE UNBEARABLE all-over week long or month long body HIVES were coinciding the day after use. So, then I look up those chemicals and find within the links below the problem;,,,they use SKIN IRRITANTS that cause rashes and TOXINS THAT AFFECT YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM and CARCINOGENS!. Gee, that helps my toxic skin disease, thanks DERMAe. I am covered in hives today and can hardly get any work done and have put in a call to this company to MATT who has not yet returned it. I tried to send them an email thru their site it does not go thru and they have such a long disclaimer thing posted there that they must get threated for law suits or heavy duty complaints all the time. I am going to talk to the buyer at Whole Foods about what I leared about this compny and the chmicals they use as you will see in the links below. Their site does not tell the whole truth about these ingredients.
Best wishes. M.

Skin Deep report on un-safety of DERMAe company:

Report on un-saftey of PSORZEMA product:



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