Have you tried any of the suggestions here on this site? With all the different suggestions here it can be overwhelming.
I took in all the info and took it one step at a time. I found by reading this site along with others I would start with a bowl cleanser and liver/ kidney cleanser as well. You realy should do a liver/ kindey while doing a bowl at the same time.
I also started taking Flax seed oil everyday..the taste is awful but the results are there after awhile. I also now take Fish oil capsules as well ( both contain the amino acids we all need ).
I have suffered from P. for over 20 years and now it has gotten to the point where it is 95% gone. I was just at my wits end and tired of modern meds not helping.
It is amazing what you can do for yourself by reading this fourm and trying the ideas of others that have "cured" themselves.