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Treasure hunting
fledgling Views: 6,981
Published: 18 y
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Treasure hunting

One of the moderators wrote that their job of hunting for 'gems' on CureZone was the most pleasant of their tasks.

Another article listed many comments describing the same point-of-view, written by as many people. I was amazed to see that I responded more to some of the comments than to others...even though they were all saying essentially the same thing.

The lesson I took from this is that we NEED to hear many opinions...even if they are all saying the same thing.

There is an Aha! factor at work here on CureZone, and probably everywhere people discuss reasonably/courteously.

Also, appreciation is a great motivator.

We are all seekers here, even those who appear to be stuck for a while.

Silence is isolating. If CureZone did not exist, if this were just a great big void, a black hole in cyberspace, where would we go when we need feedback and comparison of points-of-view?

Throughout the world's population there are folks who find it exciting to 'needle' others, even to hurt. Maybe this is because that is the only way they can feel anything. Or, perhaps it is because they were raised by 'needlers'. It could be that they are paid to do it...possibly as a 'confuser' and/or a 'marketing' ploy.

'Needling' is just another sticking point people can get hung up on. Like all sticking points, it is just sad.

Stuck people are missing beauty in their lives. They miss progress and fulfillment.

I look at the 'number of visitors online' at any given moment...thousands. And most of them aren't posting.

Those are the ones who need us...the quiet ones. And we need them.

Their opinions and points-of-view count, too. No matter how they write.

No one has 'targetted' me, directly. Probably, if they did, I would dislike it, but, here, in this house, in this body, the only opinion that counts is MINE. (He-he! Isn't that wonderful!!!)

You know you are appreciated, Hopinso. That is success! Your sincerity is obvious. And your discoveries are valuable. Even your learning experiences are important to many, many people.

Could anyone hope for more?

Be quiet when you have little to add, of course. Still, remember all those silent ones who need us to help them on their way to happiness, contentment.

We share in their lives...and they share in ours.

My best,




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