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Controlling diarrhea
polaris700 Views: 3,899
Published: 19 y

Controlling diarrhea

I have been suffering from Diarrhea for most of my adult life. I also have a skin condidtion known as Psoriasis that has been around all long ad the diarrhea. I have found from other fourms on this site ways to to treat my skin and what was a real shocker was the way my diarrhea was going away.
I was the person everyone knew as " the guy who poops after every meal " nice to see your freinds have suvh nice thoughts about you. Sad to say it was true, really played hell on my life for a longv time.

I have found from my own research that thier is a condidtion call Leaky Gut Syndrom where the stomach does not do the job it is meant to be doing. I also be live in the alkinzie deit with really help with the stomach acid problems.

I use to live on Immodium AD as if it was water. Everytime I would go out somewhere I would drink a bottle of that stuff. This only gives you trouble in the long run if you use it excessively. Doctors dont do much for you either cause they are not suffering from this like we do.

My biggest cure and I use this term lightly has been Yougurt. I eat 2 yougurts a day mostly for the leaky gut syndrom, but the benefits to my diarrhea have been amazing. I still get it a little bit here and there but not the everyday all the time bouts anymore.
Most of the time when you suffer form anything wromg with your self its your body telling you something is out of whack. I found yougurt to have the right bactirias that my body needed to help balance out the digestion issues I was have for so long.

Just thought I would let you all know what I found to help me... some times it so simple like yougurt.. just got to find the right key..

If anyone has any ? fell free to reply.

Polaris 700


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