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Re: I'm starting a new program & would like some advice
polaris700 Views: 1,635
Published: 19 y
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Re: I'm starting a new program & would like some advice


 I have yet to try many of the stuff you are asking about. However when it comes to your diet, eat RAW as much as you can. Try to cut out as much meat, dairy and breads as you can. Water, water and more water to flush any toxins will help more than you may think.

  I was able to control my Leaky gut issues with simply eating alot of yourgurt threw out the day. My skin has never looked so good in 20 some years.

 I did however do a bowel cleanser and liver/ kindey cleanser as well...this was a couple of months ago. I have had a hard time with the raw diet do crave the junk you once ate, however once your skin starts to improve it easy to push yourself along when you can see results.

Like I said before I really havent tried alot of other things that you have mentioned, I keep it simple to find what was the best treatment for me  and to keep with it.

  Good luck with whatever you try, yet sometimes the answers are as simple as yourgurt once or twice a day for me.

Polaris 700




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