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Re: My cat was diagnosed with cancer!!!! Help!!
healme Views: 3,624
Published: 19 y
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Re: My cat was diagnosed with cancer!!!! Help!!

We were feeding her tuna. It was the only thing we could get her to eat when she first got sick. The vet said she wasn't dehydrated yet but I don't see how as she hasn't ate or drank in 2 days. She stays under the dresser during the day and then jumps on my bed at night. I don't know how she jumps up there. She loves cheese and hasn't wanted it that much but she ate 3 extremely small bites this morning for what reason I don't know. I gave her some catsure this evening with a syringe. She hated it. She has always hating you touching her mouth and no pills has always been her request. She is very strongwilled in that department. I try to be as gentle as I can with her to calm her down. She really gets upset about the pills. I don't know if it hurts her or not since she has always been a fighter about this. She still purs but I know she feels rotten. If she doesn't make it I know we have tried our best. I am going to try baby food if its okay. I am waiting for a response from the board. I got some chicken and gravy for her. Mushiest stuff I could think off. I wonder if some of the baby food that has vit c would help. Probably wouldn't be enough. I only wish she wasnt so stubborn about pills, syringes etc... I could do her alot of good if she wasn't but thats just her. She is very loving more so than most of my other cats. I know she thinks we are the devil right now giving her stuff. She was fighting for 2 months but she seems to be getting to tired to fight so with the exception of the cheese this morning she really isn't responding to food or water.I think me and her are both getting tired but I am giving it alittle longer with the CS and hope it turns around. If I don;t see any difference after 4 days I am going to put her down probably. CRY.......


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