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Re: My cat was diagnosed with cancer!!!! Help!!
healme Views: 3,564
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 75,998

Re: My cat was diagnosed with cancer!!!! Help!!

Wow that is so incourageing Johney! Right now I am just trying to figure out the best liquid food or drink I could easily feed through a syringe. The vet gave me Science diet and told me to mush it up in hot water but it won't go through the syringe without splattering everywhere. So I think I am going to go get the best can wet catfood I can find and add water to it to see if it goes through the syringe easier. I have some Watermelon juice here but I don't know if that helps much. I don't think I could get her to eat, she has stopped as of the last 2 days. Would the juice be enough? Anybody got any ideas on liquid or solid food that would be good for her using in a syringe? The vet said to get some gatorade. If I can keep food and liquid in here just till I can see what the CS will do that would be great. How long did it take for your cat to get better? That is a amazing story. Did you make it or was it a CS you bought? I am so glad you were able to save her. I want to do the same but I got to get the food in her so she doesn't dehydrate.Also what about baby food and really I don't know what flavor I should get. Wonder if it would go through a syringe. Thanks to all of you! I don't know what I would do without this forum. I got a cat with cancer and a dog with heartworms. Thank goodness the rest of my animals are healthy. Hope to hear from you guys. You are all so helpful!!!


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