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Cholesterol/Triglycerides Success
Charly Views: 20,819
Published: 19 y

Cholesterol/Triglycerides Success

April 2003 my blood test revealed:

Cholesterol 371
HDL 50
LDL 255
Triglycerides 330

I changed to a very healthy diet, eliminating all bad foods and drinks, increased the amount of water I drank daily, walked about 45 minutes a day. I learned the benefits of alternative therapies such as Liver Flushing and juice fasting.

My last blood test (June) showed that I was in the optimum range with everything but cholesterol and triglyceride levels - I was really surprised as those levels have continued to drop, but not far enough. I decided not to worry too much, because I know everything I do is healthy (according to the many health books I have read)

In June my blood test came back with:

Cholesterol 276
HDL 66
LDL 178
Triglycerides 159

I have been doing a lot of things to reduce cholesterol for the past 3 years. Daily double servings of oatmeal, psyllimum, 10 almonds per day, freshly ground flaxseed daily, lots of garlic, apple cider vinegar, Essential fatty acids, at least 10 servings of fresh, mostly raw, organic fruits and vegetables daily, brown rice, legumes, nuts, seeds the whole thing - vitamins and various supplements. I'm sure I'm not thinking of everything at this moment. I have done juice fasts, colon/ parasite cleanses and about 9 liver flushes. I was really surprised that my cholesterol had not gone down more.

I decided to try some of the specific therapies I have read about.

- Vitamin C 1000mg 3 times per day
- Niacin - I did this, but didn't get to the levels to do good or consistently enough.
- Up the daily dosage of Essential Fatty Acids other healthy oils and vitamin E

- Up the dosage of food enzymes and hydrochloric acid. I have added lemon juice to my water daily (aids digestion), for the past 3 years and taken food enzymes when I ate protein. I decided to take food enzymes with EVERY meal. I think this is one of the key factors to reducing cholesterol - through and complete digestion of food, so the body doesn't need to make as much (cholesterol).

Last month I went on a 13 day liquid fast and did a Colon Cleanse and a Liver Flush (the 10th flush) - flushed a few hundred stones... ( Liver Flushes are known to reduce cholesterol)

I believe all of it worked together so when I phoned today to get the results of the last blood test, what I knew would happen, did...

Whoo-hoo - I am a 63 year old female with NO health problems. I'm not on one prescription drug - and my new numbers are:

Cholesterol 194, down from 371 - 4/03
HDL 64, up from 50         
LDL 114, down from 255      
Triglycerides 82, down from 330      

Natural health things really do work!!!



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