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New drugs fail to cure P
polaris700 Views: 1,830
Published: 19 y

New drugs fail to cure P

First time on the form and I have heard some interesting ideas for P. Been living with it for awhile now, about 17 years. I have tried everything you can think of without much help. Been to the Derm. too many times to count. Just about to give up on thier mondern meds. I have tried Amevive, Enbril, Humira and Puva ..all works fine for awhile until you body gets use to the meds.

Been really thinking of the liver issues and diet. I do believe you are what you eat and after my last blood test from the doctors found the liver not doing so well.

For those of you looking for some relief with these modern meds, there are many blood tests to be taken before and while you are on these drugs ( if you doctor is cautions the side effects )

I have found some relief with using a ECHINACEA herb that can be bought anywhere. It did clear me up for awhile..but without the proper diet it came back.

I will be trying a liver cleanser and raw food diet for awhile to see what happens.



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