Issue 80: _Bob's Story Part One and Two
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(Please note
that Book Pictures are linked to, click them to read the descriptions. Also - visit (Bob Mantz' Website)
to hear me interviewing Dr. Richard Schulze. )
battled with several ‘syndromes’ and other tough to cure illnesses over the
past 15 years. Many of the
syndromes were a) hard to diagnose and b) even harder to treat. I’ve gone through years of suffering with Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome (CFS), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), A distended bladder combined
with insomnia, headaches, Leaky Gut Syndrome, tonsillitis, depression, etc.
I could write
a full book on all the doctors that I’ve visited and all the prescriptions
that I’ve taken, but I want to keep this as short as possible. I remember reading the title of a book, ‘Sick and Tired of Feeling Sick
and Tired’ that would describe
exactly how I felt a few years into what
I now know to be CFS, IBS and a distended bladder.
I remember reading about people who had suffered with CFS and who were
now feeling better and thinking – there is no way that I am going to get over
this. I am not going to feel better.
I may as well kill myself now. I
cried myself to bed many a night wondering ‘why me?’ Thankfully I had the love of a strong family and just that
thought alone prevented me from taking thoughts of offing myself any further
than just thinking about it.
OK – the
short of it is that I got sick a lot growing up.
Seemed like I had Strep throat or bronchitis once a month.
Unfortunately I also had a doctor who loved antibiotics.
You may even need antis for certain ailments like Strep (unless you have
a strong background in Natural Healing) but I have faint recollection of going
for a check up and walking out with a shot of penicillin!
Shots, pills, that great tasting pink antibiotic – I was always on one
or the other. It is only now that I
can hypothesize that that was a major contributor to my later suffering.
It was
November 1987 when I first developed the symptoms that combined to form my CFS.
I came down with the ‘flu’ the first week of November – exactly one
week before my family and I were heading to Florida for a week of fun in the
sun. I was actually happy to be
sick because I knew that I’d take some anti-biotic and that I’d be great to
go to Florida. Unfortunately that
didn’t work out so well. I got the anti-biotic but the ‘flu’ was still there one
week later. It was still there 2
months later. It was still there 2 years later.
Remnants of it were still around 15 years later.
I won’t
mention every doctor that I went to looking for a diagnosis. I also will leave out the tedious details of the trek as much
as possible. For what it’s worth
– I wound up at an internist a bit past Christmas – no fever, all blood work
normal. Put me on Pamelor because
it had to be depression – after all I was negative for EBV and Lyme.
I felt like I
had the flu every single day for the next 2 years. Weakness permeated everything.
It wasn’t tiredness, where one needed to sleep, it was ‘sapped’
weakness, the kind you get with the flu. Missed
lots of school and had to get a tutor. I then developed burning urination. Severe burning and an aching in my bladder area.
My urine was clear but I wound up on Cipro ‘Just in case’.
The first of many that my urologist prescribed.
Antis and sulfas. Over and
over again – adding to my systems already torn down condition.
At age 18 I had had my prostate examined more times that I should have
had to endure in a lifetime! And
the only thing that brought relief was a numbing med, Pyridium Plus, that dyed
your urine red.
I continued
seeking all kinds of doctors to try and track down why I felt weak all the time.
Internists, allergists (did test positive for several allergies and
started on allergy shots and medications), endocrinologists.
Everything came back fine. Even
saw a counselor and went through Prozac, amitryptiline, etc etc etc.
I knew it wasn’t depression causing me to feel like crap.
It was feeling like crap making me depressed!
But the docs just didn’t get it – all those different
anti-depressants not doing squat logically meant that depression wasn’t my
issue, but sometimes logic and medical just don’t mix.
As a matter of fact the only thing that ever came back ‘out of range’
was my temperature. I was always
running low, 97.5 or so, but that never concerned anyone.
I headed to
Johns Hopkins to see the best of the best.
I waited 2 months for the appointment and then 8 hours in the office.
My dad took off from work and drove me down.
We met with a doc for about 45 minutes who thought that I may have had
meningitis back in November and that I was probably suffering from a post viral
syndrome that would correct itself by the prom in May.
It didn’t.
So – still
trotting along with no diagnosis, feeling like crap, and with no answers
whatsoever, my urologist performed a prostate biopsy and it came up clear.
I don’t need to emphasize that an 18 year old getting a needle anywhere
near the prostate is not all that pleasant.
He did find a varicose vein ‘in that area’ that he wanted to remove.
I went under the knife and had the varicocele taken out.
The burning did not subside. After
we came up empty with this expedition I had no clue where to turn next.
A few months
went by. Basically spending all day
in my home, every minute of which I felt weak.
Every minute – not one day passed that I didn’t feel crappy.
Weakness and frequent burning urination.
What a pair!
It was a few
months after the prostate biopsy that someone recommended a urologist a few
towns over. We set up an
appointment and my father and I headed over.
He did a basic urological exam and tested urine.
He then said, “It’s not your prostate.
You have a distended bladder.” He
prescribed the high blood pressure medication Hytrin to relax the bladder.
I picked it up that night and started it the next day.
My burning
urination started to fade. I
couldn’t believe that this doctor was able to find in 2 minutes what my first
doctor was unable to find in 2 years and with several thousand dollars worth of
tests as well as a surgery ‘under my belt’.
My burning was completely gone within 2 weeks.
This was my first miracle.
I was now
into my second year of weakness. I
tried to call on the knowledge that the burning was cured after a long hard road
– so possibly could everything else. But
it was tough. Depression was also
growing. Sick and tired, sick and
I wound up at
an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist. Surprise
surprise, I had a deviated septum that was causing sinus infections.
Surgery. The most painful
surgery I have ever undergone to date (and I’ve had a hernia as well as a
second and third sinus surgery). The
septum was rebroken and reset. Within
three months it had begun to pull back ‘out of place’.
The surgery didn’t take. I
later found out that this locally famous doctor had been suspended for crack
use. What a joke.
Found myself
at a second ENT. Guess what? I had
chronic tonsillitis and they had to come out.
I was hoping that this chronic infection was the cause of all my
suffering – the Merck Manual’s list of symptoms absolutely mirrored my own.
I had the tonsils out (something I now regret but who knew) and after 3
weeks of pain – no relief. Well,
that’s not completely true. I
started to get far less sore throats and I did have a day or two in a few months
where my weakness subsided. I
actually knew what it felt like to feel good again.
The only problem was that the day or two that I started to feel better
actually served as a horrible ‘tease’ as I would slip back into weakness.
I would have a day or two of relief and then weeks of relapse.
My ENT saw me
a few times for subsequent sinus infections.
He wanted to go in there now and clear out my passages as well as take a
shot at the septum. Sure!
Why not?
He did the
surgery and on my one week follow up he said that scar tissue was forming.
He shoved a needle into my nose and numbed it up.
He then stitched plastic into both my nostrils to keep the scar tissue
from being able to join together. I
later found out that most surgeons do this while you are in surgery!
2 days after this rather pleasant experience I cut the stitches out
myself and removed the plastic. It
was driving me nuts. I never went
back to him.
The Hytrin
was still doing its thing but as with all meds I did develop side effects.
My mouth was constantly dry. I
had odd nightmares. (Later research
through the Life Extension Foundation (
revealed that it could affect melatonin and other brain chemicals so I started
taking it at night instead of in the A.M. as it is normally directed.
This helped with the nightmares.) I
also had this enjoyable urge to faint when I got up quickly.
Once I even fell through a glass coffee table after getting up from
reading the comics…Joy Joy.
I went to see
a local internist. I was now
approaching 3 years of sickness. .
He diagnosed me with CFS. Finally. I felt a little better just hearing
that. I had a name for this demon.
I also underwent a scope because I had now been experiencing severe
stomach pains and bouts of diarrhea over the last year.
He diagnosed my IBS. A
second prescription med, Bentyl, was added.
It also worked well. My
stomach pains subsided. However the
thought of being 20 years old and taking two prescription meds with their side
effects (I was chewing Advil to fight off almost daily headaches) didn’t sit
well. And I still was weak 90% of my days. I knew that I had to do something myself.
But I also was lucky to have this guy as my doctor.
He put names on 2 things that no one else could.
Plus he recommended that after I used the Bentyl for a few weeks to get
through the current acute stage that I try taking Metamucil at night.
People mistakenly think that Metamucil is a laxative.
It is not. It is a bulking
agent. Fiber.
It binds water together with the fiber which means paradoxically it can
help with constipation AND diarrhea.
I used Bentyl
for two weeks and then switched to Metamucil.
It worked. My IBS was
lessened tremendously, probably around 80%.
Most importantly the pain was really lessened and inadvertently my doctor
had turned me on to Natural Healing. If a simple product containing psyllium
could almost cure something as well as a drug could – what else was out there?
I won’t go
through every single thing that I researched or every single product or
technique that I tried. I probably
couldn’t remember them anyway – even with the Ginkgo that I take…but I
will touch on some of them.
I did a lot
of research on CFS. Theories of the
cause of this syndrome changed a lot. Blood
pressure abnormality (I had a tilt table test and tried the drug Florinef.
I increased my water and salt intake too, but it didn’t help), viruses,
brain stem issues. Nothing I tried helped very much. I had read Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw’s book ‘Life

few years back and that drew me to nutrition.
I read and reread that book. I
wore the cover off and had to track down a second copy at a used bookstore.
I tried Hydergine, but it did not help.
But because of that book I found myself searching for the Life Extension
Foundation on the Internet. I
joined their buyers club and started to get their excellent magazine.
Here is what I have done directly because of Durk and Sandy:
I used L-Tryptophan
while it was still available. This
was before its use was completely banned after one (yes one) batch of it was
contaminated in a Japanese factory. People
died because of the contamination but the FDA blamed the Tryptophan and banned
it. Very very odd how this natural
amino acid, a natural anti-depressant and sleep aid, was banned exactly one week
before Prozac hit the market. The FDA still hasn’t provided a good answer as to why it is
still banned today. L-Tryptophan
worked pretty well for my insomnia. 2
grams before bed allowed me to get some sleep.
And having some quality sleep helped me stretch some of my good periods
into 4-5 days. I would feel good
for 4-5 days before relapsing into weakness for a month or two at a time.
Still this pattern was much better than the 2 years of complete weakness
that I had gone through a few years back.
I also
started to take the Life Extension mix. It
is a very high dose multi-vitamin type supplement.
It didn’t seem to add any additional good periods.
I was also trying other nutritional products – vitamins, minerals,
Ginseng, Co-Enzyme Q10, DHEA, etc, but nothing gave me any further spark.
Then the Foundation did an article on Saw Palmetto for urinary health. My father and I started taking a Saw Palmetto/Nettles gel
cap. I weaned off of Hytrin after a
week or two. The dry mouth and
fainting stopped. The burning
urination never returned. It’s
now been approximately 10 years that I’ve been off of Hytrin and the only time
I’ve had a flare up has been if I get lazy taking Life Extension’s Prostate
Formula. Score two for simple,
natural, and inexpensive remedies.
During the
next year I tried acupuncture (liked it but wasn’t a cure – I did find it
very relaxing and would give it a shot for pain, etc in the future), hypnosis,
self-hypnosis. I also tried all
vegetarian diets but they didn’t work out for me – I actually felt worse.
Looking back now that was probably more a case of too few calories and
perhaps dehydration than lack of protein or nutrients.
But that is just a guess.
was now off the market and I had insomnia pretty good again.
Then Life Extension did a report on Melatonin.
I got a bottle of 3mg capsules and was able to sleep.
It worked extremely well. I
no longer needed Restoril or Halcyon or Valium or any other drug, with their
mind numbing hangovers, to fall asleep. I
was getting to sleep and staying asleep. I used Melatonin in combination with
the old adage, “Early to bed, early to rise…” I went to bed a 9pm and was
up no later than 6am. Even on
Saturdays if I had stayed up later than 9 the night before – I was up at 6.
I later learned that that is a golden rule for insomniacs – get up at
exactly the same time every day regardless of how little sleep you got the night
before. Eventually the body will
force you to sleep the next night. It’s
a tough thing to do when you’ve perhaps just fallen asleep 15 minutes before
the alarm clock rings – but do it. Get up.
That combined with the Melatonin worked like a charm.
Unfortunately I started to get some jitteriness after being on the
Melatonin for a few weeks. I
stopped it but kept my sleeping patterns strong.
I used it as needed a few times over that next year to reinforce the
pattern – but its now about 8 years without the need for it at all.
It was great
to have a nice sleep pattern going. I
was making up some of the sleep debt that I had acquired over the past 10 years.
I started to read Dr. Weil (
and made some changes to my overall lifestyle.
I forced myself to work out. I
bought a set of weights and exercised. It
was extremely difficult. Extremely.
I just remember Dr. Weil saying that it will suck.
It will hurt. You will feel
like someone socked you in the gut. And
it did. It was so tough to work
through all that. But I had to.
I worked out 3x a week or so with the weights.
And it started to pay off. A
few weeks into that routine and I had my first full week of feeling good.
Then I got into a pattern of one week good – approximately 4 weeks bad.
This continued to slide the right way as days would be added to the good
side and days would be taken away from the bad end.
This sliding pattern allowed me to up the number of classes that I was
taking at my county college. I
transferred into New Jersey’s Trenton State College the following year and
graduated in 1994. Just a short 7
years ago I had been happy to make it to the next day and here I was a college
graduate. I owe that first to my
family, second to Durk and Sandy and Life Extension, and finally to the doctors
who did name what I had.
The problem
with finishing college was – where the hell could I work? Yeah, 7-8 days in a row feeling good was great in the big
scheme of things, but that wouldn’t cut it in a 9-5 world. Can you imagine telling your boss, “Yeah, I’ll be calling
out sick the next 28 days. See you
next month.” I couldn’t handle
a full time corporate gig. Fortunately
both my parents are educators. I
became a substitute teacher. The
hours were good and I could be ‘off-call’ as needed.
I did this for about 4 years.
During these
years I still searched for a ‘cure’ for my CFS. One thing that had always gnawed at me was my low body
temperature. I read and reread
Durk’s description of his undiagnosed thyroid issues and his use of Armour
Thyroid. I purchased Broda
Barnes’ book, “Hypothyroidism, The Unsuspected Illness.”

is one book that I have read several times, again and again.
After reading this book – I was convinced that he was writing about me.
I bought a thermometer and took my basal temperature (you keep a shaken
down thermometer by your bed, sticking it under your arm as soon as you awaken,
with as little movement as possible, with a temperature lower than 98 indicating
a sluggish thyroid) and as expected it was low.
Now I had to find a doctor who would diagnose and treat by that method.
After all, all my blood work always came back normal.
I started
going through the phone book calling endocrinologists and asking if they’ve
treated by the basal temp method. I
was about 0 for 30 when I decided to call the Broda Barnes Foundation (
They had a packet in the mail and to me in a few days.
It was a wonderful collection of information on the glandular system and
the thyroid in particular. It also
included a list of doctors. Panacea.
I found one that was about 2 hours from me and was soon on my way there.
I liked the
doctor and his knowledge. He was
current in nutrition as well as the specifics of CFS. He took my history and agreed to let me try the T3 (the
active form of thyroid hormone). Dr.
Denis Wilson, (
who named Wilson’s Syndrome, endorses the T3 approach.

is a little different than Barnes’ use of natural thyroid in that its goal is
to reverse the disease and get off of meds entirely.
It is also different than the treatment for true hypothyroidism in that
most doctors use T4, which then has to be converted within the body to T3. With the natural thyroid and Barnes’ approach you have to
take the thyroid forever. If your blood tests indicate that thyroid levels are
high enough to meet accepted normal levels but your temperature is low – your
body’s problem may not be lack of the hormone but rather a problem using the
hormone in general. You would have an even more difficult time utilizing the T4
in pill form. Wilson’s approach
feels that the active form may help reset the body’s system.
My doctor
also suspected that my adrenal glands were probably burned out and could
possibly be further damaged by jumping right in with thyroid - which can be
stimulating. I was put on Cortef, a
natural form of Cortisone, for three weeks.
Long-term supplemental Cortisone use can cause the body to stop producing
it all together. Short-term usage may allow the system to ‘rest’ and
hopefully repair itself. This
therapy is recommended in Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum’s, “From Fatigued to

T’s writing is a must for all CFS sufferers.
Even if one doesn’t follow his protocols to get better – having
someone pinpoint and so accurately describe what you are feeling can be
I felt good
during those three weeks. I was
enthusiastic about doctors who believed I was actually sick.
I was thrilled to be ‘doing something’ rather than ‘looking for
something.’ This combination made
my days better, my depression lesser, and led to the philosophy that I still
follow today: “The straw that
broke the camel’s back.” I basically think that we all face adversity and that we can
usually handle one, two, or three forces against us.
It’s when we have multiple attacks whether it be stress, dehydration,
toxins, etc. that we eventually have too much, or the ‘Mantz Straw’, and our
body breaks down and we fall prey to illness and depression.
The Cortisone and not struggling for a diagnosis may have helped my
depression lift. My sleep
improvements along with a better diet and a nice exercise regimen coupled with a
smaller amount of ingested prescription meds all may have allowed me to feel
better because I was not reaching the Mantz Straw on a daily basis.
I began on
the graduated regimen of T3. You
basically cycle up and then down until you capture a 98.6 average body temp.
You can find details on Wilson’s web page.
I did several cycles and it did move my average daily temp from 98.0 to
98.3. I was certainly feeling
better than I had in years. I started a job as a Headhunter for an agency.
I was now seeing 3-4 weeks in a row where I felt good.
There was something right out in front of me that could get me over the
edge but I just couldn’t grasp what it was.
So, I was
having about the same number of good days as I had bad. That in itself was a victory but I wanted more.
I started to research more and more on the net.
I read everything that I could about health and specifically body
temperature. I also started to notice that all medications, even those
that mimicked natural body chemicals, had side effects. This notion kicked me in the butt.
If I truly believed in the Mantz Straw then I had to find a
substitute for T3 and Cortisone. It
was then that I headed to Google and began searching on spices, particularly
I stumbled
upon an incredible site called Curezone (
I delved deeply into its pages on Dr. Richard Schulze aka Professor Cayenne ( I
was fascinated by his talks on this hot spice and I began to think that this
could be something. A food with hot
properties. I bought myself some
cayenne pills and began taking them.
Believe me
– cayenne in pill form is a learning experience.
Take it with too little food and suffer the consequences.
Sometimes getting out of the room quickly enough to double over is a
chore when in an office setting! But
I continued to take them and I eliminated my intake of T3 and cortisone.
And I continued to feel good. I
learned that licorice might act as a food source of cortisone support so I added
that. I kept investigating Schulze
and got lucky enough to read his interview on Cayenne.
He hated the pills because of the aforementioned problems.
They might not work the way you want because they dissolve unevenly. Plus, they are in the gut – not in the mouth near your
brain and hypothalamus. I went and
bought Cayenne Extract. It was fine
– your body prepares to digest as soon as it senses the heat in your mouth.
Your face gets red because blood is circulating!
The only problem with store bought extract was that it tasted more like
alcohol than cayenne. I tried them
all and none were that hot. I
searched the Internet for a hot extract and discovered that Schulze made one.
I visited ( ordered the cayenne along with his Intestinal
Formulae 1 and 2.
I liked it.
It was hot and it tasted like cayenne, not alcohol.
I also now was reading his American Botanical Pharmacy catalog like I had
read Life Extensions 15 or so years earlier. Page after page over and over
I liked a lot
of what I was reading. I bought a
juicer and started making fresh juice. Somewhere
along the way I started drinking distilled water and later found that Dr.
Christopher ( a big proponent of it. I later bought a distiller and now make it at home (it takes
a dedication to stay on top of it but it does work out to be cheaper than store
bought). I did Schulze’s one week
cleanses and later added the Epsom Salt Liver Cleanse that I had learned about
from Curezone. I started to login
to Ask Agnes
and found that I could answer some of the questions or at least point people in
the right direction. Dr. Schulze (
says that one credential even the most educated MD may not have is experience.
He went through heart disease, burns and possibly crippling injuries –
all cured through Natural Healing. I
went through the difficult years of CFS, Depression, and IBS.
I really know what some of the writers are feeling and knew that I had to
help whoever I could.
I noticed
that I was feeling much better. I
was feeling better and not taking any prescriptions at all. Headaches, which had been a major issue, were a thing of the
past. The cleanses and the cayenne
were my cure. I went from taking a
liver clogging pain reliever like Advil or Tylenol 3x a week to not once in a
year. (I have taken a couple of
Advils to squash the headache of a cold in the past year. I feel that sleep is important and that if something like
Advil can help provide needed sleep- do it and cleanse later).
I was now
feeling good 5-6 weeks at a time and weak 1-2 weeks. I had come almost 180 degrees.
IBS would flare up if I neglected Metamucil for any length of time.
I began taking Intestinal Formula 1.
Dr. Schulze says that you can skip this if your primary issue is hot
bowels. I liked the ingredients in
the formula and started it anyway with one capsule.
I could feel the warmth from the garlic and the cayenne.
It felt like a healing was occurring in my gut.
I had tested positive for Leaky Gut Syndrome in the past.
I suffered from allergies all my life.
I would get red and itchy if I took a half-teaspoon of Acidophilus
because it was seeping right into my bloodstream.
I knew that I had to heal my gut and this was the natural way I was going
to accomplish it.
I did the IF1
for 2 weeks. I then added
Intestinal Formula 2, doing Schulze’s 5x per day for one week. I brought my little shaker, my IF2 and distilled water to
work and ‘shook and took’ diligently. I
also researched IBS further during this week and learned about Apple Cider
Vinegar w/Mother (ACV). This is the
kind that is not pasteurized – not the garbage you find in a supermarket.
I found that you should take a tablespoon 10 minutes before meals to help
digestion. I got some at the health
food store and began taking a tablespoon, a few drops of cayenne, and a bit of
distilled water before eating. I
also stopped having liquids during meals.
I have not
had one symptom of IBS since this week. I
no longer need Metamucil and I only take IF1 occasionally.
Usually after a larger than normal meal or if you just feel like a
mini-cleanse. I never travel
without it or IF2 and have used IF2 to squash an upset stomach after a large
meal or a bit too much wine. The
funny thing with wine is that I could not have had a drink of alcohol in the
past. It immediately caused burning
urination. This no longer occurs.
I also tried acidophilus a few weeks after my first IF2 therapy and it no
longer causes any reaction. Leaky
gut was healed, as was IBS. Schulze (
to the rescue a third time.
I decided to
revisit my old allergist. I
underwent the same skin scratch allergy tests that I had undergone some 20 years
ago. They came back negative.
I was no longer showing any signs of allergies at all.
So, my
allergies were cleared. My gut was
good. CFS was ever subsiding.
Schulze and Curezone were my heroes!
I continued to read everything that I could.
I adopted Schulze’s opinion that pills were not good because a) they
had fillers and b) you were not eating the herb, as nature had intended.
I stopped taking all pills. Exceptions
were IF1 and my Super Prostate Formula. The
reasoning was I really didn’t care if IF1 opened in the gut or not – a fiber
type supplement is an exception because an Intestinal opening was fine.
I also stayed on Super Prostate because it had worked, LE was good at
keeping fillers to a minimum, and it was a gel capsule and digested pretty
easily (I put one in ACV overnight and it did dissolve).
But I stopped all multiples, Cs, Bs, etc.
I started on Schulze’s SuperFood ( and Udo’s Choice instead and
haven’t looked back. My CFS continued to improve.
The ratio getting longer and longer.
I watched
several of Schulze’s videos and listened to many of his tapes.
I began to research Dr. Christopher and read his newsletter at
I ordered his SuperCayenne, BFC, and lobelia.
Guess what? His Cayenne was
even hotter than Schulze’s! Wow-
it was supreme and is the Cayenne that I use today.
His BFC was excellent too – I always have a bottle on hand and have
used it following a 2nd degree burn – no scarring whatsoever!
Lobelia is wonderful too. I
read so much about Dr. Samuel Thompson using Lobelia for almost everything and
the phrase “When in doubt, use Lobelia.”
I finally used it myself and have continued to do so.
It is great for spasm, muscle tension, and as a relaxant when I am under
stress. I use it if I feel like
insomnia may be an issue – no longer needing to use melatonin at all.
use of hot and cold hydrotherapy was intriguing.
It, like cayenne, made so much sense.
You do hot cold on injuries to move blood around – why not
systemically? I started doing hot
cold showers every day. This was
the missing piece. I found that if I was in a period of weakness – a day or
two of hot cold therapy would knock the weakness out.
This meant that I was now seeing 8 weeks of good followed by only a day
or two of weakness. This is the
method that I now follow. I do hot
colds periodically, and faithfully if ill.
I don’t have the need any longer to practice them daily (because you
know they can be brutal!), instead relying on them only when needed.
Schulze is an
honest healer. He tells you flat
out on his tapes that his formulae are the best and that 90% of herbs on the
market are crap. You know it’s
true if you’ve tasted someone else’s Lobelia or Cayenne and then taste his
or Christopher’s ( is a local brand, Herbal Alchemist, that is excellent
as well). He also tells you that
the only person who could possibly provide a higher quality extract is you.
Schulze shows you the proper way to make your own using Vodka and fresh
herbs in his Save Your Life Collection. I
now make all my own:

having Christopher & Schulze provide my Cayenne, IFs, SuperFood,

My quality is
way up there and my cost is way down.
I order
Echinacea, Gingko, Rosemary, etc. in bulk from Pacific Botanicals (
and extract them in my very own formulas.

I have
mentioned that I believe in the Straw theory.
Eliminated prescription meds and for the most part all pills.
I get a good night’s sleep (Early to bed…).
Exercise and have stabilized body temperature by exercising and through
the use of cayenne. Only drink
distilled water and get great nutrition through SuperFood and Udo’s Choice.
I always have a window cracked open – even in the dead of winter – to
keep oxygen levels high inside my home. Have
chosen a few great friends over having many so-so friends.
Am close with my family and have a fiancée who loves Schulze too! No
longer work in an office – I lower people’s long distance to 3.9 cents per
minute through my Website,,
so that they have more money in their pockets to spend on their health.
Try to laugh as much as possible and I share my knowledge with whoever
asks for it. I don’t rely on
modern medicine for my cure but I do rely on it for diagnosis. I still have an
amalgam filling in my mouth but would never fill a new cavity with anything but
porcelain. One of the best books of
all time is Dale Carnegie’s, “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.”
should read it. Don’t go
overboard in the pursuit of health as that pursuit itself too would become a
negative stressor. Dr. Richard
Schulze as well as Dr. Andrew Weil recommend avoiding TV news shows – they are
all-negative and affect your Straws. If
you really need to know about World events – read the local newspaper.
The presentation is a little blunted and less stressing.
My diet
follows the same pattern. I am not
a vegetarian or a vegan. I eat
whatever I want supplemented by tons of fruits and vegetables.
Our freezer is packed with Raw Organic Nuts and Seeds.
We do go out of our way to find foods that do not contain any hydrolyzed
ingredients (tough sometimes because they can be hidden in the label under
‘natural flavors’.) If a substitute is available – get it. Support
the companies that care. But if no substitute is available – don’t give up everything.
We use anti-biotic and pesticide free eggs at home but also have no issue having plain
old eggs in a diner. Have switched to SmartBalance spread that has no Partially Hydrogenated oils and do the same
with tortilla chips but don’t fret about the butter on a dinner roll if
we’ve gone out for supper.
eliminated milk from our diets and both have had about a 99% reduction in stuffy
noses. I missed cereal for a while
but the benefit of a milk less existence has been unreal. Fewer colds, even less headaches, and less stuffy noses in
the A.M. Again – if a recipe calls for milk – in it goes, but oatmeal is eaten sans milk or with Almond or
Soy Milk. Nutrimil is great too.
Buy organic when possible but understand that price can be an issue and
buy normal apples if they are on sale. It’s
like a penny saved is a penny earned – save your body when you are able and it
all adds up to keep the pendulum on the correct side. Don’t go nuts thinking
about it day in and day out because that is a Mantz Straw too.
We go through several bulbs of garlic per week. Raw garlic is a SuperFood in its own right. It
makes food taste better and it kicks cholesterol and viruses in the butt.
Use Maple Syrup instead of sugar to sweeten.
We take two tablespoons of Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses every A.M.
One tablespoon provides 20% of your day’s requirement of Calcium AND
Iron in a form that the body can actually use.

Another great item is Green Tea. Do a search on
for the benefits of green tea and the possibilities are astonishing.
The biggest reason most people try and then stop green tea is improper
brewing. Do not follow the instructions on most tins. Instead – boil fresh clean water (distilled if possible).
DO NOT pour the boiling water on the teabag.
Wait 30 seconds with the kettle off the burner and then pour the water
over the bag. This water is closer to 180 degrees than it is to 212 and it will not cause the tea to become bitter.
Brew for 2-5 minutes. Also – do not drink on an empty stomach to start – you can feel nauseated.
Experiment and drink as much as you can. Try to get 6 cups per day.
Avoid after 3pm if you are affected by caffeine.
I hope that you can find some comfort and gain some knowledge from this.
Don’t do everything at once. The ideas in the past few paragraphs were instituted over 15 years.
They are so easy to do if you do them one or two at a time. They work too. They
are a blueprint for a long and healthy life.
I have not felt weak in over 6 months as I write this.
That is amazing considering where I was 16 years ago.
_BOB Mantz