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Re: _Bob's Story Part One and Two
carolynjane Views: 10,938
Published: 20 y
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Re: _Bob's Story Part One and Two

Hi Bob,

Im just writing to say a big thank you to u for writing ur story, it has helped me so much! I have had Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome for 3 years now and have been severely ill for all of that time. I wont get into detail but the usual symptoms pain etc things have stabilised a little over the past year as i found a great doctor who is open to alternative and trad medicine and has helped me to get some of the worst problems under control and then i discovered reflexology and that has helped me alot. My (very supportive!) mother gave me foot massages twice a week and we followed a reflexology book and then when i was well enough i started going to see a professional reflexologist. She was the one who first suggested Dr Schulze s superfood as she takes it herself and finds it excellent. I was checking him out on the net when i discovered the curezone website and read ur story. Reading it was what tipped the balance in my mind and I decided to try some of his products. I did the intestinal detox for 2 weeks and could nt believe the increase in energy and general wellbeing. I bought a juicer and started drinking a quart a day and doing hot/cold showers every night. A while later i started trying cayenne, I had been diagnosed with orthostatic intolerance and I knew my circulation was poor and my body temp low so i thought they might help. Wow, i just cant believe the difference!

I did a week of high doses of Dr Schulze s Echinacea formula and again felt daily increases in energy i just couldnt believe it:) after so long of trying everything out there and having tiny improvements and several big setbacks, it s been a summer of healing and rapid energy increase!! Im now on day 4 of the liver/gallbladder detox and every day my energy is increasing.

Just to put it in perspective ive been almost bedridden for the past 3 years and reliant on others to make my meals etc I was too sick to read or watch tv or to have phonecalls with friends and family and now im up all day making my 5 meals a day, making juice, emailing and having long phonecalls with everyone ive been missing. My parents (im 27 but moved back home when i got too sick to take care of myself) have booked a holiday and are now free to take a break without worrying about whether i can take care of myself while they are away. they ve been absolutely brilliant, very supportive and im just so delighted that they have their freedom back too!

I cant thank u enough for writing ur story as it inspired me, filled me with positive energy and also gave me alot of extremely useful information that i have used with great results!

I am just taking it one day at a time at the moment as I still feel the need to be so cautious and not to overdo it etc but im also so exited to be feeling better and seeing such progress after so long. This has all happened over the past 3 months so im still adjusting its great!

sorry this is so long but felt i had to explain in order to thank u properly!

Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou so very much,

best wishes,


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