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My daughter is being healed by this treatment!
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My daughter is being healed by this treatment!

My adolescent daughter, "Bee", was diagnosed with severe U.C. in February. Apparently, she had been suffering in silence for over a year, rarely complaining of anything more than a slight bellyache.

The first two doctors missed it altogether. One even diagnosed her with bronchitis, and the medications she prescribed worsened Bee's condition. When we continued to call and see the doctor with complaints of diarrhea, fever, and pain, (for over three weeks solid), we finally ignored her advice to "wait and see" yet again and took her to ER. They sent us on to the children's hospital, and all they were able to tell me for hours, while they ran test after test, was that she would most likely need a transfusion.

By this time, the smell coming from my little girl was so frightening at all times...she smelled of decay, and we were quite terrified that we were going to lose her.
Our fears worsened with each hour, as we were admitted into NICU, and visited by several teams of puzzled doctors throughout the next day or so. They even put her on morphine for the pain.

We finally saw a specialist, Dr. S., who diagnosed her with U.C., and began a course of treatment, prescribing steroids, (Prednesone), anti-inflammatories, (Rimulac {sp?} before we left the hospital, and Asacol for an undetermined time period). She received a transfusion, and went through some of the most unpleasant things imaginable during her hospital stay, which was almost three weeks. She was also prescribed a diet of bland, softer foods, high in breads and dairy. (I, myself, am lactose intolerant).

We followed this course religiously, diminishing the steroids when Dr. S told us to, believing she was eating well, although it did seem strange that the doctor recommended NO fiber whatsoever. We exercised, drank gallons of water, and maintained a calm environment. We did everything we knew to do.

Four months later we were back in the hospital. Although the condition was not as dire as the first time, we were noticing symptoms returning, and when we took her to the lab, the bloodwork showed low red blood cells and very high white ones yet again. Her SED rate had once again skyrocketed.

Our stay was only three days this last time, but it was enough time for me to hear whisperings of "colostomy," and other such things that rip a mother's heart out. They once again put her on Rimulac, Prednesone, Asacol, Imuran. Already looking into alternatives, my family doubled our research and tripled our prayers.

I am not a religious person, but I do believe in the power of prayer, now more than ever, since we were running out of all hope and time, (to heal her before they started suggesting the colostomy in earnest), and stumbled onto Sheldon's messages. My mother was actually the one who found him first, and has been communicating with him during this process for the past (almost) month.

(I must pause a moment to mention that Sheldon is such a kind, truly good-hearted gentleman. He answers all of our questions, even the redundant grumblings, with the patience and supportiveness of an angel. In fact, I'm pretty sure he must be one).

Within one week of beginning this Vitamin E Therapy and diet, Bee had formed solid, normal stool. She was experiencing no pain, and no discomfort. Our labs began turning out beautifully.
We are due back at the lab this coming week, and I have all faith that we'll get more good results.

Of course, the doctor will tell me it's the meds, particularly the Imuran. However, he also told me, "the Imuran cannot be expected to take effect for three months." Not to mention, I have been decreasing the prednesone slowly every two weeks. We started at 30mgs this time, and are now at 15mgs. I was also supposed to have increased her dosage of Imuran well before the last labs, but I did not do so, instead keeping her on the lowest dosage.

As I said, the labs were great, and I have not heard word one from the doctor's office in regards to anything looking "unusual."
Week after next, we have an office visit with him, and although I don't look forward to verbally disagreeing with him and his methods, (because I sincerely believe he is trying to be the best doctor he can be, and is just limited by the pharmaceutical-induced ignorance of modern bureaucratic medicine), I AM going to tell him that we want to reduce the meds as quickly and safely as possible.

(I will try to update after our appointment, although the message will be MUCH briefer then, hopefully).

I am posting here mainly to thank Sheldon, but at the same time to provide a testimonial to help others. This treatment is working! Like I told our regular RN once, "It's not as if I'm looking for some rare monkey-butt cure. I'm not one of those." But we were desperately looking for a logical, proven answer, and we found one in this Vit. E treatment and sensible diet.

Granted, this treatment isn't ever going to be as popular as the quick and easy pop-a-pill temp fixes, but it's just a matter of will and desire. We all desired that Bee keep her colon and regain her health. She was NEVER a sickly child before this illness. No colds. No flus. NO ear infections, and never a hint of anything else until the moment there was.

Bee is now healthy, and eating those vegetables up like there's no tomorrow. Whereas she used to live on pizza and fried chicken and breads, (not to mention tons of fruit and juices, which are SUCH a no-no with u.c.), she now says her favorite foods are brocolli, cauliflower, beets, and brussel sprouts....and I don't know about you, fellow posters, but this mom thinks that's such a strange, and yet, awesome thing to hear.

I will update more in the future, so anyone interested will know that this isn't a whim or a temporary thing. I am SURE that it is the right thing to heal this horrible condition. I'm watching it do just that every single day, and we have such a peace of mind about it now.

You are a Godsend.

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