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Re: More updated diet information
sheldon Views: 45,599
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Re: More updated diet information

Try those suggestions that only conform with the diet used with the vitamin E enema

Principles of Combining Foods Properly By Dr. Herbert M. Shelton Reprinted from Dr. Shelton's Hygienic Review There are sound physiological reasons for eating foods in compatible combinations. In other words, some foods, if mixed in the digestive system, will cause distress! The principles of food combining are dictated by digestive chemistry. Different foods are digested differently. Starchy foods require an alkaline digestive medium which is supplied initially in the mouth by the enzyme ptyalin. Protein foods require an acid medium for digestion- hydrochloric acid. As any student of chemistry will assure you, acids and bases (alkalis) neutralize each other. If you eat a starch with a protein, digestion is impaired or completely arrested! The undigested food mass can cause various kinds of digestive disorders. Undigested food becomes soil for bacteria which ferment and decompose it. Its by products are poisonous, one of which, alcohol, is a narcotic that destroys or inhibits nerve function. It plays havoc with nerves of the digestive tract, suspending their vital action such that constipation may well be a result! As set forth in Dr. Herbert Shelton 's FOOD COMBINING MADE EASY these are the salient rules for proper food combining. The Basic Rules of Proper Food Combining: 1. Eat acids and starches at separate meals. Acids neutralize the alkaline medium required for starch digestion and the result is fermentation and indigestion. 2. Eat protein foods and carbohydrate foods at separate meals. Protein foods require an acid medium for digestion. 3. Eat but one kind of protein food at a meal. 4. Eat proteins and acid foods at separate meals. The acids of acid foods inhibit the secretion of the digestive acids required for protein digestion. Undigested protein putrefies in bacterial decomposition and produces some potent poisons. 5. Eat fats and proteins at separate meals. Some foods, especially nuts, are over 50% fat and require hours for digestion. 6. Eat sugars (fruits) and proteins at separate meals. 7. Eat sugars (fruits) and starchy foods at separate meals. Fruits undergo no digestion in the stomach and are held up if eaten with foods that require digestion in the stomach. 8. Eat melons alone. They combine with almost no other food. 9. Desert the desserts. Eaten on top of meals they lie heavy on the stomach, requiring no digestion there, and ferment. Bacteria turn them into alcohols and vinegars and acetic acids.

The grading of foods best for blood types A AB O as
given at On
the opening of the home page,go to listing TYPEbase
food values.
The following information is helpful.

Secretor and Non-secretor values are presented for
each food listed in the TYPEbase4. If you're
unfamiliar with the terms Secretor and Non-secretor,
consider this:

Secretors and Non-secretors: An overview and preview
of the new saliva-based secretor test

...The gene coding for your blood type lies on
chromosome 9q34. However, a separate gene actually
interacts with your blood type gene, determining
ability to secrete your blood type antigens into
fluids and secretions.

In the genetics of the secretor system two options
exist. A person can be either a Secretor (Se) or a
Non-secretor (se). This is completely independent of
whether you are a blood type A, B, AB, or O. This
means that someone can be an A Secretor or an A
Non-secretor, a B Secretor or a B Non-secretor etc.

In a simplified sense, a Secretor is defined as a
person who secretes their blood type antigens into
body fluids and secretions like the saliva in your
mouth, the mucus in your digestive tract and
respiratory cavities, etc. Basically what this means
is that a secretor puts their blood type into these
body fluids. A Non-secretor on the other hand puts
fluids. As a general rule, in the U.S. about 20% of
the population are Non-secretors (with the remaining
80% being Secretors)... [Read more]

In general, the beneficial/neutral/avoid values are
the same for Secretors and Non-secretors, but there
are instances of variation. CHICKEN EGG/ WHOLE, for
example, is neutral for Type AB Secretor, and
beneficial for Type AB Non-secretor. SQUAB (PIGEON)/
MEAT ONLY, on the other hand, is neutral for the
B Non-secretor, but avoid for the Type B Secretor. I
have yet to find an instance in which a food is
classified as beneficial and avoid for the
Secretor/Non-secretor of the same blood type.

Use this information with choosing the foods on the
procedure diet list.Please post your experience.


Dr. Joseph Mercola
Congratulations! You have made some great changes to your life. The last step will be to implement a juicing plan. I am firmly convinced that juicing is the final key to giving you a radiant, energetic life and truly optimal health.

I've said this in the other levels of this nutrition plan, but it's so important I'll say it again - valuable and sensitive micronutrients become damaged when you heat foods.

Cooking and processing food destroys these micronutrients by altering their shape and chemical composition. In this advanced nutritional level, you avoid all processed foods and eat only organic vegetables and fruits unless not otherwise possible.

Metabolic Typing and Juicing

According to Metabolic Typing principles, if you are a carb type, vegetable juicing is STRONGLY recommended. With patients in our clinic, we strongly encourage it if they expect to regain their health. If you are a mixed type, it is certainly useful to juice. However, protein types need to follow some specific guidelines to make it work for them.

Protein Types And Juicing

If you are a protein type, juicing needs to be done cautiously. The only vegetables that should be juiced are your prime protein type vegetables, which are celery, spinach, asparagus, string beans and cauliflower (including the base).

It is important to keep your serving size of juice to no more than 6 oz., but don't be surprised if you find that as little as 3-4 oz. of juice feels like the right serving size for you. For a protein type, 3-4 oz. of juice is a significant amount.

Also, to make drinking vegetable juice compatible with protein type metabolism (which needs high amounts of fat), it is important to blend a source of raw fat into the juice. Raw cream, raw butter, raw eggs, avocado, coconut butter, or freshly ground flax seed meal are the sources of raw fat that we most recommend.

In addition to adding a source of raw fat to your juice, you may also find that adding some or even all of the vegetable pulp into your juice helps to make drinking the juiced vegetables more satisfying to you.

Some Reasons to Juice

There are three main reasons why you will want to consider incorporating vegetable juicing into your health program:

1. Juicing helps you absorb all the nutrients from the vegetables. This is important because most of us have impaired digestion as a result of making less-than-optimal food choices over many years. This limits your body's ability to absorb all the nutrients from the vegetables. Juicing will help to "pre-digest" them for you, so you will receive most of the nutrition rather than having it go down the toilet.

2. Allows you to consume an optimal amount of vegetables in an efficient manner. If you are a carb type, you should eat one pound of raw vegetables per 50 pounds of body weight per day. Some people may find eating that many vegetables difficult, but it can be easily accomplished with a quick glass of vegetable juice.

3. You can add a wider variety of vegetables in your diet. Many people eat the same vegetable salads everyday. This violates the principle of regular food rotation and increases your chance of developing an allergy to a certain food. But with juicing, you can juice a wide variety of vegetables that you may not normally eat.

If you are new to juicing, I recommend a mid-priced juicer. The cheap centrifugal juicers (like the Juiceman) break easily, produce low quality juice, and are very loud, which may contribute to hearing loss.

Many of my patients thought that juicing would be a real chore, but the majority were pleasantly surprised to find that it was much easier than they thought it would be.

This is partly because you should only start by juicing vegetables that you enjoy eating non-juiced. The juice should taste pleasant -- not make you nauseous.

It is very important to listen to your body when juicing. Your stomach should be very happy all morning long. If it is churning or growling or generally making its presence known, you probably juiced something you should not be eating. Personally, I've noticed that I can't juice large amounts of cabbage, but if I spread it out, I do fine.

The health benefits of juicing are immense for adults and children.

Here are a few simple lessons to get you up and juicing quickly:

Lesson 1: Drink vegetable juice for breakfast.

Vegetable juice makes a great breakfast when balanced with some essential oils and a bit of chlorella.

Please remember that vegetable juice and fruit juices are two completely different substances in terms of nutrition. Ideally, you should avoid fruit juices. Although vegetable juice is processed, it doesn't raise insulin levels like fruit juice. The only exceptions would be carrot and beet juice (and most vegetables that grow underground), which function similarly to fruit juice.

Lesson 2: Get ready to juice!

Step 1: Now that you're ready for the benefits of vegetable juice, you need to know what to juice. I recommend starting out with these vegetables, as they are the easiest to digest:

Fennel (anise)
These three aren't as nutrient dense as the dark green vegetables, which should be avoided if you are a protein type (except for spinach). Once you get used to the 3 vegetables listed above, you can start adding the more nutritionally valuable, but less palatable, vegetables into your juice.

Vegetables to avoid include carrots and beets. Most people who juice usually use carrots. The reason they taste so good is that they are full of sugar. I would definitely avoid all vegetables that grow underground to avoid an increase in your insulin levels.

If you are healthy, you can add about one pound of carrots or beets per week. I do believe that the deep, intense colors of these foods provide additional benefits for many that are just not available in the green vegetables listed above.

Step 2: When you've acclimatized yourself to juicing, you can start adding these vegetables:

Red leaf lettuce
Green Leaf lettuce
Romaine lettuce
Step 3: After you're used to these, then go to the next step:

Chinese Cabbage
Bok Choy
An interesting side note: Cabbage juice is one of the most healing nutrients for ulcer repair as it is a huge source of vitamin U.

Step 4: When you're ready, move on to adding herbs to your juicing. Herbs also make wonderful combinations, and here are two that work exceptionally well:

You need to be cautious with cilantro, as many cannot tolerate it well. If you are new to juicing, hold off. These are more challenging vegetables to consume, but they are highly beneficial.

Step 5: The last step: Only use one or two of these leaves, as they are very bitter:

Collard Greens
Dandelion Greens
Mustard Greens (bitter)
When purchasing collard greens, find a store that sells the leaves still attached to the main stalk. If they are cut off, the vegetable rapidly loses many of its valuable nutrients.

One important note: I prefer to juice my vegetables at room temperature. I leave my vegetables out overnight, or for at least one hour in the morning, as I do not enjoy drinking cold fluids, especially when it is cold outside.

Lesson 3: Make your juice a balanced meal.

Balance your juice with protein and fat. Vegetable juice does not have much protein or fat, so it's very important for you to include these fat and protein sources with your meal.

Use eggs. Eggs will add a significant amount of beneficial fats and protein to your meal. An egg has about 8 grams of protein, so you can add two to four eggs per meal. I suggest that you blend the raw whole eggs raw, into the vegetable juice. The reason I advocate this is because once you heat the eggs, many of their nutrients become damaged. If you are concerned about salmonella, purchase organic eggs; it's unlikely you'll have any problems.

There is a potential problem with using the entire raw egg if you are pregnant. Biotin deficiency, a common concern in pregnancy, could be worsened by consuming whole raw eggs.

Please read my recent article, Raw Eggs for Your Health -- Major Update, for further information on consuming raw eggs.

For increased satiety, blend in some seeds. If you get hungry easily after juicing, put your juice and seeds in the blender to make a higher fat drink. Seeds are full of protein and essential fatty acids that bring a juice into balance beautifully. I recommend pumpkin and flax seeds. If you use flax seeds use a coffee grinder to grind them first and drink immediately after blending into the juice.

Use chlorella. Chlorella is an incredibly powerful nutrient from the sea and is a form of algae. I use it quite a bit for mercury detoxification as it binds very strongly to mercury to eliminate it from the body. The normal dose is one teaspoon in the juice. However, about 30 percent of people cannot tolerate chlorella, so if it makes you nauseous you should definitely avoid it. The advantages of chlorella are:

Provides a high source of chlorophyll.
Adds magnesium and protein.
Binds to heavy metals and pesticides.
If you have high iron or vitamin D levels, you will want to avoid chlorella, as it is loaded with both of these nutrients.

Add spirulina. Spirulina is another algae that has many similar benefits and is a good balance to chlorella. However, it does not bind to heavy metals like chlorella.

Consider a protein powder. I personally prefer to drink raw eggs for my breakfast protein. Fresh juice mixed with a protein powders is also a very convenient meal. In my opinion, whey protein is the best type of powder because it is the most complete protein and the easiest to digest. Although whey protein is from milk and many people have lactose intolerance or an allergy to dairy, the major protein in milk that causes an allergy is casein. Fortunately, whey protein does not contain casein, so most people digest whey protein quite well. The most popular protein powders are those made from soy protein (which I do not recommend due to negative effects unfermented soy has on the body).

Add some garlic. I like to add one clove of garlic in my juice, as it incorporates the incredible healing potential of fresh garlic. I strongly advise you to do this regularly to balance out your bowel flora. The ideal dose is just below the social threshold where people start to notice that you have eaten garlic. One large clove, two medium cloves, or three small cloves is the recommended dose.

Add oil. But not just any oil! I highly recommend cod liver oil for the winter months and fish oil for the summer months. If you live in a primarily sunny climate, however, I wouldn't advise taking cod liver oil. The reason for this is that cod liver oil has a level of vitamin D that can prove toxic to those in very sunny climates. The dose for cod liver oil or fish oil is one teaspoon for every 25 to 40 pounds of body weight. Please note that cod liver oil can raise your vitamin D levels to unhealthy ranges and ideally you should have your doctor monitor your vitamin D levels with a blood test while taking cod liver oil. Please be sure to read my comprehensive explanation on sunlight and vitamin D testing, and please review my updates on vitamin D information.

The reason why adding oil (fat) to your vegetable juice may be helpful is that fat can help you better absorb the vitamin K from your vegetable juice as vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin. Vitamin K is very important for gluing the calcium into your bone matrix and helping you build stronger bones. Additionally, new research suggests that vitamin K significantly reduces calcification in the arteries. Adding raw egg yolks, as described above, will also help you to absorb all the vitamin K from the juice. You could also use flax as a source of omega-3 fat, but many people have problems digesting it.

Lesson 4: Make your juice taste great.

If you would like to make your juice taste a bit more palatable, especially in the beginning, you can add these elements:

Coconut: This is one of my favorites! You can purchase the whole coconut or use unsweetened shredded coconut. It adds a delightful flavor and is an excellent source of fat to balance the meal. Coconut has medium chain triglycerides, which have many health benefits.

Cranberries: You can also add some cranberries if you enjoy them. Researchers have discovered that cranberries have five times the antioxidant content of broccoli, which means they may protect against cancer, stroke and heart disease. In addition, they are chock full of phytonutrients and can help women avoid urinary tract infections. Limit the cranberries to about 4 ounces per pint of juice.

Lemons: You can also add half a lemon (leaving much of the white rind on). If you are a Protein Metabolic Type, you will not want to use lemons as they will push your pH in the wrong direction.

Fresh ginger: This is an excellent addition if you can tolerate it. It gives your juice a little "kick"!

Lesson 5: Drink your vegetable juice right away, or store it very carefully.

Juicing is a time-consuming process, so you'll probably be thinking to yourself, "I wonder if I can juice first thing and then drink it later?" This isn't a great idea. Vegetable juice is very perishable so it's best to drink all of your juice immediately. However, if you're careful you can store it for up to 24 hours with only moderate nutritional decline. To store your juice:

Put your juice in a glass jar with an airtight lid and fill it to the very top. There should be a minimum amount of air in the jar as the oxygen in air (air is about 20 percent oxygen) will "oxidize" and damage the juice.

Wrap the jar with aluminum foil to block out all light. Light damages the juice.

Store it in the refrigerator until about 30 minutes prior to drinking, as vegetable juice should be consumed at room temperature.

Most people juice in the morning, but if that does not work out well for your schedule please feel the freedom to choose whatever meal works out best for your lifestyle.

Lesson 6: Clean your juicer properly.

We all know that if a juicer takes longer than 10 minutes to clean, we'll find excuses not to juice at all. I find that using an old toothbrush works well to clean any metal grater. If you buy a high-quality juicer, the whole process should only take about 5 minutes. Whatever you do, you need to clean your juicer immediately after you juice to prevent any remnants from contaminating the juicer with mold growth.

Warning: Don't follow the juicing recommendations that come with the juicer, as they most often emphasize carrot and fruit combinations.

Copyright 2007 Dr.Joseph Mercola.


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