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Issue 11: My husband's full recovery from lung tumor and massive heart attack without drugs/chemo/surgery
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Issue 11: My husband's full recovery from lung tumor and massive heart attack without drugs/chemo/surgery

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Online Health & Wellness Newsletter Issue 11
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My husband's full recovery from lung tumor and massive heart attack without drugs/chemo/surgery

by Shirley Lipschutz-Robinson © 2002

In 1996 my husband's routine physical checkup at the VA hospital (veteran
administration) revealed a tumor in one of his lung. The doctors wanted to
perform a biopsy immediately to find out if the growth was malignant and
they were already talking about radiation and chemo "therapy". From past
experience and knowledge, I knew that this was not the answer. These so
called "therapies" provide no hope for real cure. Biopsies are very
traumatic to the body and chemo/radiation are well known to destroy the
immune system.

Instead, I immediately began to treat my husband (Chuck) with Homeopathy,
raw vegetable juice, flaxseed oil, herbal formula in tincture/extract form
such as the Essiac formula, the Hoxsey formula, and Cat's Claw extract.
(more info on natural cancer cure:

Since 1996 doctors have continued to monitor Chuck's tumor with their CAT
scan and PET scan. The tests revealed that a small mass still remains in
his lung, but the doctors aren't concerned about it because the tumor has
completely stopped growing and Chuck experiences none of the usual symptoms
associated with lung cancer. To this day he remains healthy and well.

Surviving a heart attack without hospital intervention

In November of 1997 I found my husband, Chuck, collapsed on the living room
floor. His face was ashy and twisted in terrible pain. He was drenched in
cold sweat and unable to speak. He was straining to breathe. I knew right
away that he just had a heart attack. I immediately grabbed my homeopathic
emergency kit managed to slipped some homeopathic first aid remedies for
heart attack into his mouth (arnica, aconite, cactus, lachesis and others)
and a few drops of lobelia/cayenne compound (Antispasmodic Tincture). I
continued to give homeopathic remedies and lobelia every few minutes. An
hour later the horrendous pains began to gradually diminish. Exhausted,
weak, and with chest pain (milder than the initial pain) he laid in bed for
the next five days. He couldn't eat, smoke or drink coffee. I was concerned
about the effects of abrupt withdrawal from nicotine and caffeine. He had
to crawl slowly on the floor when he needed to go to the bathroom because
walking was too painful.

I continued to treat him with homeopathy, (strophanthus 6c daily) kyolic
(aged garlic), magnesium citrate, ginseng, flaxoil, selenium, zinc,
vitamins A & E as well as other multi vitamins, and an herbal extract of
hawthorn berries (crataegus). He takes one to two tablespoons of flaxseed
oil for his heart and overall health. For several weeks he also wore a
flexible magnet on his chest which also helped improve the pains. His
chest pains have gradually diminished in intensity and frequency.

Update September 2000:

Chuck appears to be completely pain free but he does suffer from weakness
and tiredness. In his last physical checkup the doctors at the VA hospital
confirmed that he had a severe heart attack (MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION - an
area of tissue death due to blocking off of its blood supply) and they were
amazed that he was able to pull through without hospital intervention.
Chuck continues to have regular physicals every 6 months and he remains
well. Unfortunately, he does not follow a healthy Diet as I do and he
remains addicted to nicotine, caffeine and sugar. I cook his food with
coconut oil and with grapeseed oil because these oils can reduce
cholesterol and have other wonderful healing properties.

Update March 2002:

Triggered by the grief of loosing our son (December 30, 2000), my husband
suffered 3 more heart attacks (myocardial infarctions) since Sterling's
death.. These were not as severe as the first one and he was lucky that I
was nearby when it happened. I immediately stabilized him with homeopathic
remedies: arnica and aconite in high potency (cm), lachesis 30 c, and other
remedies, including hawthorn and tienchi ginseng extracts.. He did not seek
conventional medical intervention. In May 2002, tests performed at the VA
(veteran administration) revealed that a portion of his heart is badly
damaged and another portion is enlarged. The doctors wanted to hospitalize
him immediately and told him that he was living on borrowed time. My
husband declined their treatments. I continue to treat him with homeopathy,
herbal remedies and flaxoil.

Prevention of Prostate Enlargement

At age 52, my husband's prostate is still in excellent condition. But
because prostate problems are very common in men in the U.S. he takes saw
palmetto in tincture (extract) form, 5 drops twice daily, as a preventative
measure against enlargement of the prostrate. He plans to continue taking
saw palmetto in this manner for the rest of his life. Shirley (Natural
Health Care for Men's Health's Problem including natural treatments for
benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), prostate cancer, sexual dysfunction and

Our son, Sterling

Sterling was born blind and brain injured. When he was just a few months
old in 1979, doctor's prognosis were very negative. They told us that our
son would be blind and a vegetable for the rest of his life and suggested
that we institutionalize him and go on with our lives. We ignored them. We
researched and implemented a sensory stimulation therapy at home and at 6
month of age, Sterling recovered his full vision and was far from being a
vegetable. We cared for our little prince at home for 21 years until his
died peacefully in his sleep on December 30, 2000. (No longer blind: the
story of my sweet little angel, born blind and brain-injured:

Shirley Lipschutz-Robinson



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