I have been checking out all the detox patches I can and all I know is there is so many different prices. I have been buying in bulk and got the best prices from Zidis consistently. I try to keep plenty in stock so that I can sell them for a $1.00 a piece. I believe when a product this wonderful can help you,you do not need to make a huge profit from it. I found that every one I tried worked for me. Zidis Gold, Zidiz Silver, Zidiz Copper, Zidiz Blue. I even went back and tried the first patch I ever used which was Blue Sierra. I thought that maybe it worked better then some but it was about the same as the rest. Even with the different amounts of wood vinegar and bamboo vinegar I could not tell much difference. The gold ones were a lot darker. He at one time had some large daytime patches that was everyone's favorite. He no longer carries those and I do'nt know why. I tried ordering in volume from Blue Sierra and I did pay the $40 shipping on 20 boxes. The price still was'nt that bad but they would not give me a price break on 50 boxes. All I know is that they all worked for me, so maybe I never had any of the poor quality ones. For me it was instant pain relief, no swelling of my legs after standing for long hours, better complexion, slept better, knees quit aching and cracking when I would bend down, sinus headaches relieved in 5 min. and the list goes on...so, if anyone has a hard time buying pads at a reasonable price let me know and I will see what I can do to help. I only know that I will always keep them around and I love them. The next thing I want to try will be the AquaChi machine. If anyone has any info they can share please email me.