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SAFETY: STONE STUCK in duct ... Can the flush help?
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SAFETY: STONE STUCK in duct ... Can the flush help?

>Can the flush help your stone stuck in duct?


The main purpose of Liver Flush (Liver cleanse) is to flush all stones stucked inside intrahepatic bile ducts (bile ducts inside liver), which are all connected to the bile duct that leads to common bile ducts, which leads both, bile and pancreatic digestive juices into duodenum.

Usually, intrahepatic bile ducts are not wider then the common bile duct. The Common bile duct shoud be the widest duct (duct that can streach the most).

That means that stones that are able to pass through intrahepatic bile ducts (bile ducts inside liver), should be able to pass through the common bile duct.

People have reported passing stones as big as golf ball, when doing flush. Even children reported geting stones few inches across.

Take a look at the photos posted on this web site!

If kids can do it, you can do it too.

Stones that Men get are usually bigger then the stones passed by women, but there are exceptions to this rule.

One man passed stone that have been as big as his fist!

After analysing them, you coud see that thay have been composed from many smaller stones. It is possible that some of those stones clumped together into few big "balls" while passing through colon, just before he pass them.



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