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Re: eczema in baby
aunty Views: 9,240
Published: 20 y
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Re: eczema in baby

Hello Jasmine,

My nieces suffered severe (total body) eczema breakout in their infancy as well. For them, we used Burt's Bees Baby Bee Buttermilk lotion, the Buttermilk Bath soap, and vitamin E bath oil. This natural skin care regimen restored the moisture in the girls' skin and promoted the skin's natural healing process. In two weeks time, the skin was completely healed. The healing has remained for over 4 years now. This is a natural product; however it contains a natural fragrance that may serve as an irritant to your child's skin. Borage Dry Skin Therapy by Shikai may be the best option for your child. It's a fragrance free moisturizer that comes in adult and pediatric forms. Both of these product lines can be purchased at Whole Foods market (a national health food chain).

In order to have true success in healing the skin of eczema, you will need to address these three areas: internal, external, and foreign. This is why our family has had such dramatic successful results for years now. My recommendation of the product line for cleansing and moisturizing just addresses the external part of the healing process. If you only address one part of the process, you will only get part of the healing, resulting in temporary relief. My goal is to provide you with the wisdom to obtain immediate relief and longterm healing.

Addressing the internal (restoring health to the immune system) is done by cleansing and by adapting a good nutritional diet of water, fruit, and vegetable. Adding a multivitamin supplement is also a benefit to a healthy immune system because it addresses the vitamin deficiencies that may exist. In babies, their main source of nutrition is either breast milk or baby formula. In the case of my nieces baby formula was culprit to the eczema breakout. Each niece was different; therefore we had to find formulas that worked with their systems to promote normal (regular, no constipation) bowel movements. The reason that regular bowel movements are so important is because constipation lends to the toxins being released into the bloodstream and out through the skin. Finding the right baby formulas was different for each niece and key to their healing. To supplement thier vitamin deficiency, we introduced a multivitamin for infants in the liquid form. As they grew into the toddler stage, the introduction of the healthy Diet of water, fruit, and vegetable was also key. Drinking water will not only rehydrate the dehydrated skin, but it will also flush the blood stream of toxins. Fruit and vegetable, along with providing the vitamins and nourisment the body needs to function properly, also absorb the toxins in the body and promote their proper elimination through bowel movements.

Regarding the external (rehydrating the dehydrated skin), I've given you the option for bathing and moisturizing that worked for us. I've also cautioned you that it contains fragrance; and therefore, have provided you with a fragrance free option for your consideration. Because the skin is an external organ, it needs to be addressed both internally and externally. Allergens enter the body through these points of entry: eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin. The skin's moisture barrier serves as the skins protecter (or defense) against the allergens/irritants. In eczema sufferers, the moisture barrier is depleted; thus making the sufferer vulnerable to attack from the harmful allergen/irritant. Moisturizing the skin immediately after bathing is necessary in order to retain the moisture that is lost after a body is saturated in water due to the evaporation process. Also important in the process of moisturizing is to apply the moisturizer to clean skin. It is recommended by many doctors to bathe eczema suffering infants only once or twice a week. Because our water isn't chemically treated and because we used a non-drying natural cleanser for bathing, we bathed the girls daily and applied the buttermilk lotion to clean skin. It was important for us to bathe (or clean the skin daily), because we didn't want to allow days for the bacteria to grow on the skin.

Addressing the foreign (identifying the allergen/irritant), is important so that you can rid the promoter of the breakout from the child's environment. These are some of the allergens/irritants that promote eczema breakout: certain foods (specific to the individual, not general), pet dander, dust mites, stagnat/dry air, pollen, harsh/synthetic fibers (wool, polyester), drying soaps/detergents, household cleansers, paints & other chemical toxins, stress, and in certain cases, immunizations. For my nieces, along with a baby formula that wasn't conducive to their system, dust mites were also an issue. We addressed the foreign (allergen/irritant) by cleaning the house (fabrics) of dust mites and by switching to baby formulas that worked with their systems.

Because we addressed all three of these points, my nieces' healings were immediate and have endured for the longterm. You can achieve that same success. I go into such detail for healing the skin of eczema in the hopes that it would make parents of suffering children less fearful, and more hopeful. In other words, to let you know that you can actually conquer it; as opposed to it conquering you. However, and if you want a quick fix (simply because you're just tired of the suffering), there is a natural option to steroid creams that was formulated for infants and children with eczema called NaturalDerm Skin Rash Cream. You can visit the multistrength website to find out more about it.



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