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Re: healed of ulcerative colitis within 24 hours!
yankee Views: 27,950
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 57,263

Re: healed of ulcerative colitis within 24 hours!

Hey guys check this out.
click this link or read the following.


What is Fecal Colon Flora Replacement, What is Fecal Enema ?
To do Fecal Enema , you need a fresh feces from a very healthy person. To avoid getting any unwanted parasites or any other disease, you choose a feces from a very healthy, unvaccinated, breastfed baby.

You find anyone who has a 3 - 18 months old breastfed baby. You take diapers with fresh feces. Color of feces must be yellow, it must not be green, cause green color of feces indicates lack of good bowel bacteria. (Unless child was drinking freshly pressed wheat grass juice, or some other food of strong green color, green color of feces always indicates lack of good bowel bacteria. Yellow (or yellow-brown if child has eaten meat) color indicates healthy feces.) You need fresh feces (not older then 12 hours). You can refrigerate diapers with fresh feces, and use it the next day, but the best is if you can get a hold of fresh diapers.

You mix fresh feces with enema water (you can also filter it before use, of baby has eaten other foods then mother milk.) You use that water as the last enema water, when doing enema. Once you get that water inside of you, you try to keep it there as long as possible.

That is all. You will introduce widest possible range of good bacteria into the colon, and it will cure inflammatory bowel disease.

If it doesn't work with one baby, try to find another one. One will work!

Who needs fecal Colon Flora Replacement Enema?
Anyone suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Constipation, Candidiasis, Colon Cancer, Hemorrhoids, Prostate Cancer, Prostatitis, Enlarged Prostate, Allergies, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Gallstones, MCS, MS, FMS, ...


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