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Re: healed of ulcerative colitis within 24 hours!
HalF Views: 29,904
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Re: healed of ulcerative colitis within 24 hours!

Well, first I would likd to say that the medical doctors do not know everything. Also, they are required to go by 'standard practice'. Also, why do you think they call it a 'medical practice', perhaps they'll get it right someday!

But, that being as it may, let's look at this taking of fecal material from a different point of view. First, 'babies' do often eat their own fecal matter without any after affects. I is quite common with children. Also, some animals also do that. The Body Mind often leads us where the Intellect would never consider going.

There is currently a treament that uses some fecal matter given by colonics. Fecal matter contains a wide variety of organisms, from what I read, more that any other part of the body. Some are very specific to processing the fecal matter You can find that in other postings by medical tests in Curezone.

Now, notice that I sqoted 'babies'. Babies probably have the least and cleanest type of fecal matter, since they have a very limited diet, and the least amount of diease. Also, the amount you are taking is a capsule, so it is very small. There are certain organisms that are required in the fecal matter area in order for the body to work correctly. You probably have eaten more destructive material in partially decaying food that you were not aware of, and in plant sprayed vegetables, or toxic things you have breathed in the air from your kitchen cleaners and solvents.

However, you are always in charge of your own body and mind, so the choice is up to you. Just because the something does not fit your intellectual idea of it does not mean it is stupid. Since you have never seen an electron, you may 'intellectually' assume there is no such thing. That also applies to energy, have you ever seen radio wave or a video wave passing through the air in front of you? No, but not seeing it or apprehending it in the air before you does not mean it does not exist. We need addtional equipment to be able to detect them.

Stupid is a concept of the intellect, which is not always correct in it's evalutation or assumption. Things need to be looked at from several different viewpoints, and evalutated. Sometimes 'experience' is the better teacher.


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