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Healed of ulcerative colitis within 24 hours: Fecal flora replacement protocol (Fecal Transplant).
deburr Views: 39,834
Published: 20 y

Healed of ulcerative colitis within 24 hours: Fecal flora replacement protocol (Fecal Transplant).

Hello everybody!
I,m writing on this post to try to tell the interested people about my recent treatment and how well it came out. And believe me i'm not kidding, I have better things to do in my life than fooling around with sick people.
To begin , i've been suffering from uc for three years now and I went from very sick to remission using salofalk and cortisone,lately I had been in remission for 8 months but in May I began to get blood in my stools again, and so I had to start back the medication , I took salofalk pills three times a day for two and half months without a real improvement of my illiness. I have read a lot about uc in those 3 years and I saw a lot of articles that were saying that uc could be related to a bacterial disorder in the colon (more bad bacterias than good ones ) so I finnaly decided to make a something that I consider extreme but it worked well for me , here it is: I took a rectal suspension of mesalamine that I emptied in the toilet and I took off the cap and filled it back with the fresh sttools of the diaper of my 1 year old baby, and within 24 hours I stopped feeling bloating , strong gaz in the next morning stopped also and abdominal pains .I have not felt one symtom since that day a month and half ago.

For those who have questions about this , do not hesitate, i'm here to spread my good news and i'm also pretty sure that any stool of a sane person can do the same , it doesn't have to be from a baby .

Good luck!


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